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ICSI CSEET Result January 2025 - The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has declared the CSEET Jan 2025 result on January 20. The CSEET results can be checked at
Preterm infants admitted to our unit were included in the study provided that 1) they had no congenital malformations or major morbidities [necrotizing enterocolitis, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, intraven- tricular haemorrhage greater than grade I according to the criteria of Volpe (8)], 2) their ...
The fact that these biomarkers were not found to be significant in this study suggests that the earliest drivers of the patho- physiological process are adiposity and associated low- grade inflammation, as seen in the multivariable analysis, whereas lipid accumulation and macro- and microvascu- lo...
In the 54 marrow lymphoma cases studied a highly significant correlation was observed between the proportion of Ki-67 (+) cells and the separation into low- and high-grade malignant lymphomas according to the Kiel classification. In patients with multiple myeloma at the first di...
income equal to the U.S. average receives an FMAP rate of 55% (i.e., state share of 45%). In addition, the formula's squaring of income provides higher FMAP rates to states with below-average incomes than they would otherwise receive (and vice versa, subject to the 50% minimum).7...
All voluntary participants were 1st to 6th grade male medical students of Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia who agreed to join the study and gave written informed consent. A total of 140 subjects were recruited to join the study. All subjects fasted overnight for at least 8 h and ...