Jewish population in Jerusalem slips to 66 percentETGAR LEFKOVITS
confirms that Israel has tried these kinds of threats and intimidation tactics before in order to try to stop the missions before they start. “They have not deterred us before and will not deter us now,” said one of the organizers. ...
Besides the influence of the anti-vaccination movement, the controversy has a religious dimension because most of the New York cases have occurred in areas with large Orthodox Jewish populations. The lawyer for the parents who brought Monday's suit, Robert Krakow, stressed, however, that two of ...
A new study gives us the warning that about thirty percent of the world's people may not have enough water by the year 2025. A private American organization called Population Action International did the new study. It says more than three-hundred-thirty-
Of the total incidents, 1,311 were antisemitic, according to the the report titled “2019 Hate Crime Data.” Get The Jewish News Daily Edition by email and never miss our top storiesFree Sign Up Antisemitism was the category with the second-largest number of incidents after the...
“As well as creating local jobs, a domestic missile manufacturing industry will make Australia less reliant on imports and provide a trusted additional source of munitions for the US,” Knott writes ecstatically in what has somehow been presented by The Sydney Morning Herald as a hard news sto...
(Jewish Israel and American proxies) whip the world into a frenzy of world war. It's amazing that surely they are smart enough to realize what such a war would mean, even to themselves, and are still going through with it. That's faith in one's religion, for sure. That's like ...
many middle-class Jews and “got along quite well with Jews.” But political expediency led him to allow anti-Semitism and racism to take a more central role in public life, leading to the wholesale deportation and murder of approximately a fifth of Italy’s Jewish pop...
Americans are rich by world standards. With a median household income of roughly $76,000, America consistently ranks in the Top 20 richest countries in the world. Many of the world's top income earners live right here in our great country. Just being born into a rich countrymakes us very...
Jewish voters could make the difference come Nov. 2 They comprise just 2 percent of the population, but they cast closer to 4 percent of the ballots.Carl Schrag