根据第一段第一句 "Up to 45 percent of teenagers in the UK bite their nails(咬指甲), according to the BBC." 据BBC报道,多达百分之四十五的英国青少年有咬手指的习惯。故选A。 (2) 推理判断题。根据第二段第二句 "People with this disorder … or have to line up their shoes in a certain ...
ButnailbitingisdifferentfromotherOCDbehaviorsinatleastoneway. “InOCD,thebehaviorisreallyunwanted,”CarolMathews,apsychiatrist(精神病医生)attheUniversityofCalifornia,SanFrancisco,toldNPR.PeoplewithOCDdon’twanttowashtheirhandsoverandoveragain.Thereisnofuninit.Theyjustfearthatiftheydon’tdosomething,somethingels...
“In OCD, the behavior is really unwanted,” Carol Mathews, a psychiatrist(精神病医生)at the University of California, San Francisco, told NPR. People with OCD don’t want to wash their hands over and over again. There is no fun in it. They just fear that if they don’t do something...