Ten percent of Protestants, 21 percent of Roman Catholics, and 52 percent of Jews do NOT believe in God. That’s the surprising word from a new survey by Harris Interactive of 2,306 adults that shows belief in God varies quite widely among different segments of the American public. How of...
confirms that Israel has tried these kinds of threats and intimidation tactics before in order to try to stop the missions before they start. “They have not deterred us before and will not deter us now,” said one of the organizers. ...
In a poll released last month by the Israel Democracy Institute, a Jerusalem think tank, only around 40% of Israelis said they would agree to participate in the first round of vaccinations while more than half would not. Only 21% of the general public said they were convinced...
unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive;9I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the ...
281 Index Aaron, 85 Abraham: circumcision of, 71–72, 89; God's covenant with, 195 Abrams, Daniel, 91 Adam: as German, 151; Israel as, 110; Jews as descendants of, 197–98; Virgin Mary compared to, 102 Adam and Eve story, 92–93, 180 adu... Biale,David - 《Blood & Belief》...
The charity, which protects Britain’s Jewish community, said that while the number of anti-Semitic assaults against Jews was down by 26 percent, there had been an increase in online hate, which now comprises 22 percent of the total. Last year it comprised 18 percent. ‘Jews Kill Chil...
Not the Israel they teach you about in school. Not “the only democracy in the middle east,” where Jews were given safe haven after their victimization at the hands of the Nazis and managed to create a thriving society despite existing in a sea of savage enemies bent on their destruction...
Call in remembrance the benefits (ye have received) from God: that so ye may prosper." The bloodline of Noah, peace be upon him, was a blood line of Prophets and the chosen people of GOD Almighty. And Allah Almighty made the Jews kings over people in status and closeness to Allah ...
A census taken in Israel last year counted nearly 5.1 million Jews, 1.4 million Arab Israelis and 310,000 people described as "others" living in Israel. Demographics are at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute and are used by both sides to further their claims in the ongoing conflict...
violently from behind while speaking Hebrew on the bus in Berlin, Germany. In another, an Iraqi Muslim man wearing a kippah and carrying several concealed knives was intercepted by guards attempting to enter an Antwerp synagogue in June. The man had used antisemitic insults at Jews ...