The research method used in this research is Quasi Eksperiment or often called quasi experiment is a research with the existence of a treatment to the sample group but there is no control group (all groups of samples get treatment). The design of this study using two groups of subjects ...
This research using a cross sectional method. The study subjects consisted of vaginal delivery women with mediolateral episiotomy and post cesarean section. Each group consists of 30 people. The sampling technique used was consecutive sampling. After three months postpartum, sexual function is assessed...
Method; This research is explanatory research with experiment method by the Post Test Only With Control Group Design. Researchsubiect is the eggs trapped in the ovitraps placed both inside snd outside the house. The sample is determined by Systematic Random Sampling. The ...
This study aimed to determine the comparison of ED degree in CKD stage 5 patients before and after undergoing CAPD.Method: This study design is pre and post-test design studies Involved 22 study subjects male with CKD stage 5 with a minimum age of 18 years and a maximum of 70 years, ...