Many students of Communication Studies do not really care because it was considered too elementary.\nStudents tend to focus on the "big things", such as the development of cutting-edge theories and methodologies,\nwhich are currently in the direction of qualitative. Fully understand the ...
This study aims to identify differences in learning outcomes and interests of students who are taught using Macromedia Flash and Powtoon media for electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutions. The population of this study were all students of class X MIPA, totaling 3 classes. Sampling was done by pu...
I Harahap - Perbandingan Hasil Belajar Siswa Melalui Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe NHT Dengan Media TTS dan Media Scrambel Pada Pokok Bahasan Struktur Atom dan Sistem Periodik Unsur 被引量: 0发表: 2014年 INDEKS DEBRIS SEBELUM DAN SESUDAH DILAKUKAN PROMOSI KESEHATAN TENTANG MENYIKAT GIGI PADA...
· Untuk instruksi Hard Factory Reset, silakan merujuk ke: [Wireless Router] Ketika Standard Reset Tidak Bekerja: Hard Factory Reset - Daftar model Bagaimana cara mendapatkan (Utility / Firmware)? Anda dapat mengunduh driver, perangkat lunak, firmware, dan panduan pengguna terbaru di ASUS Downloa...
konsumen-ke-bisnis model e-niaga melibatkan individu yang menjual produk dan layanan ke bisnis. Dalam model ini, situs web akan membantu pelanggan memasang apa yang mereka tawarkan sehingga bisnis dapat menawarnya. Contoh model Konsumen ke Bisnis (C2B) meliputi: Influencer media sosial mengguna...
Sedangkan pada buritannya kini semuanya menggunakan finisher knalpot trapesium dan merupakan standarpada model BMW Seri 5. Hanya saja terdapat sentuhan pada inlay apron belakang yang membentang dengan kelir gelap untuk model M Sport dan aksen krom untuk model 530i Opulence. ...
PERBEDAAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA DALAM MODEL PEMBELAJARAN LANGSUNG DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN MODUL DAN TANPA MENGGUNAKAN MODUL The study was intended to find out whether there was a difference of learning outcomes for the ten-year-students who learned through direct instruction with modules and those without ...
MEDIASI KONFLIK PENANGANAN KERUSAKAN PANTAI (Studi Kasus Penanganan Abrasi Pantai Kuta Bali) Kuta Beach conflict is related with abrasion involving beach safety project parties, in this case PU Bali and Kuta communities with difference views. The conflict was resolved by mediation facilitated by ...
Perbedaan Higher Order Thinking Skills pada Model Problem Based Learning dan Model Konvensionaldoi:10.17977/JPTPP.V5I2.13162Rizky Tyas Aria KurniasariSupriyono KoeshandayantoSa'dun AkbarPascasarjana Universitas Negeri Malang
The conclusion is supported by the average value of the learning outcomes using Problem-based Learning model which was 80.24, while the one using Discovery Learnings model only reached 71,87. Based on the conclusions of this study, it is recommended that the elementary school teachers use the ...