PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN METODE GUIDED INQUIRY DAN GAYA BERPIKIR TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR KOGNITIF KELAS V The research aims to determine the effect of use of guided inquiry method and thinking stlye on cognitive learning outcomes of classroom at 5th grade elementary school. The design of this research use...
Techniques of data analysis is descriptive analysis and inductive analysis , the main data of this penlitian obtained from test results to learn both classes are conducted through a sample Z test using the test for normality and homongenitas grade sample variance with SPSS version 15. Based on ...
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In this case, the differentiation was believed as the effect of the action which is given to the experimental class which was the learning process by using concept map method. To increase the students' result in studying economics especially for X grade students of SMA Negeri 16 Padang, it ...