HUBUNGAN STATUS PEMBERIAN ASI DAN KELENGKAPAN IMUNISASI DENGAN KEJADIAN DIARE PADA ANAK DI RSUD Prof. Dr. MARGONO SOEKARJO PURWOKERTO Hasil uji chi square menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara status pemberian ASI (p=0,472) dan kelengkapan imunisasi (p=0,... N Azi...
The conclusions are that the average weight increase on the babies starting from the age of 03 months and on the age of 46 months, the babies under the age of 68 months who are fed with the formula milk are many more than the babies who are fed with the Exclusive ASI (Mother's Milk...
Later on, the strength test was conducted to denture retention by using a vertical attracted–Van Kampen modified tool and the weight was recorded causing the releasing of full denture from its place. The data obtained was analyzed by one way Anova and continued with post hoc test with LSD. ...
PERBEDAAN STATUS GIZI DAN PERKEMBANGANANTARA ANAK BALITA DARI ORANG TUA LENGKAPDENGAN ORANG TUA BERCERAI Yusuf Alam Romadhon, 2011, S 520 908 013. The difference of nutritional and developmental status between children before five year from complete and divorce parent. First Supervisor : Prof. Dr....
The data used in research were taken from : announcement date of stock split applied as event date ( t 0 ), daily closing price, indeks daily closing of the companies applying stock split within observation period ( IHSG ), the amount of daily traded share and the amount of listed share....
ANALISIS PERBEDAAN JENIS BAHAN DAN MASSA PENCETAKAN BRIKET TERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK PEMBAKARAN BRIKET PADA KOMPOR BIOMASSA 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 3 作者:WI Marchel,P Freeke,T Dedie 摘要: This research aims to analyze the differences from the type of material and mass of briquette...