PENERAPAN PERATURAN PRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIA NOMOR 21 TAHUN 2016 TENTANG BEBAS VISA KUNJINGAN KE INDONESIA TERHADAP 169 NEGARAdoi:10.58344/locus.v1i7.7Since the entry into force of the temporary visa-free policy on March 10, 2016 the number of foreign tourist arrivals has incr...
PEMBANGUNAN RUMAH IBADAT DI KOTA MEDAN DALAM KONTEKS PERIZINAN (Studi Terhadap Peraturan Bersama Menteri Agama dan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 9 dan Nomor 8 Tahun 2006 Tentang Izin Pembangunan Rumah Ibadat) Legal substances establishment of houses of worship in the city of Medan is divided in thre...
9of 2009. Specification in writing of this research is descriptive analysis isthat in addition to describing the problems that arise in the implementation ofconsumer financing agreement results show that corporate responsibility as thefirst party (creditor) when receiving the vehicle from a second ...