首先打开ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor目录下的GAME.INI。 人物修改输入PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player[*]=? 驯服后的宠物属性PerLevelStatsMultiplier_DinoTamed[*]=? 野生恐龙每级属性PerLevelStatsMultiplier_dinowild[*]=? *是0-11之间的数字,?是倍率,默认是1,修改成2是2倍,倍数乘以之前默认升级...
Per Level Dino Damage/HP Scrolling through the INI file on our server and I noticed that the PerLevelStatsMultiplier_DinoTamed Damage and HP are both by default set to 0.15. I was wondering if this is legit. We've had players attempting Easy Broodmother
Uji Bersyarkat Non Power 2 (DX9) (WoW64) Uji Bersyar (WoW64) Non Daya 2 Kasus Pengujian Dasar Office 2013 (Excel) Kasus Pengujian Dasar Office 2013 (Lync) Kasus Pengujian Dasar Office 2013 (PowerPoint) Kasus Pengujian Dasar Office 2013 (Word) OPM - Uji DVD HDCP CSS OPM - Uji DVD...
Uji Bersyarkat Non Power 2 (DX9) (WoW64) Uji Bersyar (WoW64) Non Daya 2 Kasus Pengujian Dasar Office 2013 (Excel) Kasus Pengujian Dasar Office 2013 (Lync) Kasus Pengujian Dasar Office 2013 (PowerPoint) Kasus Pengujian Dasar Office 2013 (Word) OPM - Uji DVD HDCP CSS OPM - Uji DVD...
Uji Bersyarkat Non Power 2 (DX9) (WoW64) Uji Bersyar (WoW64) Non Daya 2 Kasus Pengujian Dasar Office 2013 (Excel) Kasus Pengujian Dasar Office 2013 (Lync) Kasus Pengujian Dasar Office 2013 (PowerPoint) Kasus Pengujian Dasar Office 2013 (Word) OPM - Uji DVD HDCP CSS OPM - Uji DVD...