其中,s、a分别是状态 s 和动作 a 的向量表示,函数 Q_θ (s,a) 通常是一个参数为θ的函数,比如神经网络,其输出为一个实数,称为Q 网络(Q-network)。 深度Q网络(deep Q-network,DQN)是指基于深度学习的Q学习算法,主要结合了价值函数近似与神经网络技术,并采用目标网络和经历回放的方法进行网络的训练。 神经...
这么做的原因是传统的DQN通常会高估Q值得大小,两者代码差别如下: q_eval=self.eval_net(batch_state).gather(1,batch_action)q_next=self.target_net(batch_next_state).detach()ifself.double:#ddqnq_next_eval=self.eval_net(batch_next_state).detach()q_a=q_next_eval.argmax(dim=1)q_a=torch.res...
分类: 强化学习论文阅读 标签: DQN , 强化学习 , 论文 1 0 « 上一篇: [强化学习论文笔记(4)]:DuelingDQN » 下一篇: GAN 论文阅读笔记 posted @ 2019-12-31 22:22 木子士心王大可 阅读(1175) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报 登录后才能查看或发表评论,立即 登录 或者逛逛 博客园首页 【推荐】还...
Dueling DQNPERTask scheduling (TS) in cloud computing is a complex problem that involves balancing workload distribution, resource allocation, and power consumption. Existing methods often fail to optimize these objectives simultaneously and efficiently. This paper introduces a novel technique for ...
DQN accumulates a single reward and then uses the greedy action at the next step to bootstrap. Alternatively, forward-view multi-step targets can be used and bootstrap after few steps (5 steps here). The dueling architecture can learn which states are valuable for each state without learning...
Double DQN: Van Hasselt H, Guez A, Silver D. Deep reinforcement learning with double q-learning[C]//Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence. 2016, 30(1). Duel DQN: Wang, Ziyu, et al. "Dueling network architectures for deep reinforcement learning." International conferenc...
Dueling DQN Noisy layer C51 PER Big thank you also to Toshiki Watanabe who helped me with the implementation and where I have the training routine for the fraction proposal network from! HisRepo Sebastian Dittert Feel free to use this code for your own projects or research.For citation: ...
train_dqn_queue_reward.py Add files via upload Jul 22, 2021 Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-for-Traffic-Signal-Control Agent design for single traffic signal; including DQN, Double DQN, Dueling DQN, PER, Noisy DQN, Multistep DQN, Distributional DQN and their combinations; ...
Double DQN: Van Hasselt H, Guez A, Silver D. Deep reinforcement learning with double q-learning[C]//Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence. 2016, 30(1). Duel DQN: Wang, Ziyu, et al. "Dueling network architectures for deep reinforcement learning." International conferenc...
Double DQN:Van Hasselt H, Guez A, Silver D. Deep reinforcement learning with double q-learning[C]//Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence. 2016, 30(1). Duel DQN:Wang, Ziyu, et al. "Dueling network architectures for deep reinforcement learning." International conference ...