The Gross Domestic Product per capita in India was last recorded at 9172.10 US dollars in 2023, when adjusted by purchasing power parity (PPP). The GDP per Capita, in India, when adjusted by Purchasing Power Parity is equivalent to 52 percent of the worl
Percapita Income, Domestic Savings And Longevity Among Developed Countries And Its Implications For IndiaR. VenkataramanThilak VenkatesanJETIR(
印度Personal Disposable Income per Capita在2004达21,980.000 INR,相较于2003的19,967.000 INR有所增长。印度 Personal Disposable Income per Capita数据按每年更新,1951至2004期间平均值为1,142.000 INR,共54份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004,达21,980.00
Using pooled time series data across 15 major states of India, the relationships between measures of living standards and per capita income and government expenditures in social sectors are estimated. Female literacy, infant mortality, total fertility rates and level of poverty are taken as measures...
In 2023, the per capita personal income in California was 81,255 U.S. dollars. Personal income is the income that is received by persons from all sources. This measure of income is calculated as the personal income of the residents of a given area divided by the resident population of the...
GDP per capita is the economic output of a nation per person. It’s used to measure the prosperity of a nation. Per capita income is the amount of money earned per person. It’s used to determine the standard of living and quality of life of a population. ...
Related information about United States GDP Per Capita data In the latest reports, US GDP expanded 1.800 % YoY in Mar 2023. US Nominal GDP reached 6,632.444 USD bn in Mar 2023. Its GDP deflator (implicit price deflator) increased 5.336 % in Mar 2023. Gross Savings Rate of US was ...
India GDP Per Capita PPP, Export News India GDP per capita PPP was recorded at 3649.53 in December of 2011. Historically, from 1980 until 2011, India GDP per capita PPP averaged 1446.39 USD reaching an all time high of 3649.53 USD in December of 2011 and a record low of 419.87 USD in ...
Explore per-capita-availabilitystatistics and the comprehensive insights Year-wise of India at the most comprehensive e-resource
International Journal of Economics & ResearchMallik, L., Pradhan, K.C. (2012), Per capita consumption expenditure and personal disposal income in India - An econometric analysis. International Journal of Economics and Research, 3(2), 96-102....