Per capita GDP in China was estimated at around 12,600 U.S. dollars in 2023, slightly below the average level in East Asia and Pacific.
GDP 首字母 省区 9.21 H 湖北 9.07 C 重庆 8.60 S 山东 8.29 S 陕西 7.37 S 山西 7.36 A 安徽 7.36 H 湖南 7.09 J 江西 GDP 首字母 省区 6.98 N 宁夏 6.88 L 辽宁 6.86 X 新疆 6.78 S 四川 6.66 H 海南 6.21 H 河南 6.17 Y 云南
Global GDP per capita in terms of PPP is forecast to be around Int. $24,469, Int. $1,095 up compared to Int. $23,374 in 2023. Per capita income in PPP, which gives better living standard estimates, is 177% of the nominal. During three years, global per capita income grew by ...
Macau SAR (China) GDP Per Capita reached 32,418.334 USD in Dec 2022, compared with 44,095.165 USD in Dec 2021.
中国2022的GDP: per Capita: Chongqing: Liangping是多少? 数值 前次数值 最小值 最大值 单位 频率 范围 89,593.000 2022 76,330.000 2020 6,822.000 2005 89,593.000 2022 人民币 年 2005 - 2022 GDP: per Capita: Chongqing: Liangping的相关指标...
IMF的统计,GDP per capita 2024,前十,圭亚那进入top10. (要想日子过得好,避税卖油人口少。)
Choropleth Map Bubble Map Column Chart GDP per capita Change in GDP per capita +-GDP (Nominal) per capita (2022)Above 100000 $75000-100000 $50000-75000 $25000-50000 $10000-25000 $5000-10000 $3000-5000 $1000-3000 $Below 1000 $ Zoom level changed to 1...
GDP Per Capita (Current) GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT PER CAPITA (MARKET PRICES) GDP per capita is gross domestic product at current market rates and divided by total population. The data is priced in United States dollars. Data source:World Bank, Washington D.C....
CHINA’S GDP DOUBLED IN 10 YEARS, AND AS DID GDP PER CAPITA2022-06-28 19:33:56 看看新闻Knews综合关键词: CAPITACHINA全部评论 请先登录后发表评论 暂无评论,快来发表你的评论吧 推荐视频 04:06 新国标发布 你的“小电驴”有大变化 看呀STV2025/01/16 00:48 商务部:扩大电信、医疗、教育等...
Description:The map below shows how GDP per capita (current LCU) varies by country. The shade of the country corresponds to the magnitude of the indicator. The darker the shade, the higher the value. The country with the highest value in the world is Iran, with a value of 417,710,400.0...