2) has a unique mostly β-sheet protein fold, consisting of two antiparallel β-sheet domains, domain I and II. Domain I contains all the conserved regions (boxes B–E) in bacterial SPase I, while domain II (an insertion within domain I) and an extended β-ribbon are mostly limited to...
Additionally, in CF bronchial alveolar lavage fluid, surfactant protein A, a peptide that facilities microbial clearance by macrophages, is inhibited to a greater extent by CatG than either NE or PR3, and this can lead to reductions in macrophage phagocytic activity and increased bacterial survival...
doi:10.1007/s12264-024-01324-wTranscriptome analysisTemporal gene expressionFear memory retrievalReconsolidationDPP9Numerous studies on the formation and consolidation of memory have shown that memory processes are characterized by phase-dependent and dynamic regulation. Memory retrieval, as the only represent...
in between the β-propeller domain and the α-helix domain. The eight-bladed β-propeller domain can be seen here as the yellow anti-parallel beta sheets, while the α-helix subunits are in red. (b) Binding site pockets, S1, S2 and S3 with their amino acids. [For interpretation o...
9-12 Animal studies have shown SGLT2Is to inhibit NLR pyrin domain containing protein 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome activation in multiple tissues, including the heart,13 liver,14 kidney,15 and lung.16 Inhibition of the NLRP3 inflammasome has been implicated in both improved asthmatic airway ...
In our previous study on adhesion of IBB477, we demonstrated that the chromosomal gene encoding the AJ89_07570 protein containing DUF285, C-term_anchor (recently reclassified as MucBP (PF06458) domain) and four Big_3 domains is involved in adhesion to abiotic surfaces as well as mucins (...
For fibronectin, the major proteolytic product generated by KLK12 was a 29 kDa fragment containing the amino-terminal domain and the first five type I fibronectin-domains, which are essential for regulating fibronectin assembly. We also demonstrated that KLK12-mediated fibronectin proteolysis ...
Our data show that NACA has an impact on the transcriptional regulation ofUsp53following PTH(1–34) stimulation. We have previously characterized the DNA binding domain of the NACA protein to a loose consensus sequence centered around 5′-g/cCAg/cA-3′20. In silico analysis of theUsp53promote...
receptor-ligand (S1 domain of SARS-CoV-2)binding site. CD26 overexpression byepigenetic modificationat rs13015258-C allele could explain the higher SARS-CoV-2 infectedfatality rateamongtype 2 diabetes[34]. Besides, the rs3788979DPP4polymorphism has been associated with a high risk of COVID-19....
The signal peptidase catalytic domain was solved as a fusion protein with the signal peptide of maltose-binding protein bound to the SP1. The structure revealed the S1 and S3 pockets, which are conserved between SpsB and the E. coli SP1. The signal peptide-bound complex reinforced the role ...