Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) results from a defect in the gastric or duodenal mucosa and submucosa caused by an imbalance between injurious factors and defense mechanisms in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Typically, the most common etiology is an infection with Helicobacter pylori bacterium. Gastrin...
Several factors can increase your risk of developing a peptic ulcer. Risk factors include: Family history Smoking (particularly if you are infected with H. pylori) Excessive alcohol use However, contrary to popular belief, stress and spicy foods do not seem to increase the risk of ulcers....
RISK FACTORS AND TESTING 危险因素以及检测 Smoking, alcohol use, and using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or aspirin can make peptic ulcer disease worse. 吸烟、喝酒、使用非甾体类抗炎药(NSAID)或阿司匹林可使消化性溃疡加重。 You may be more...
In the United States, roughly 4.5 million people suffer from peptic ulcer disease. Fortunately, integrative interventions including deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL), zinc-carnosine, and Lactobacillus reuteri have powerful ulcer-healing effects. Causes and Risk Factors H. pylori infection, the primary ...
Background Ageing populations are increasing in many countries and bleeding peptic ulcers in patients older than 60 years carry a greater risk of rebleeding and death. This study aimed to identify the risk factors for rebleeding and death in very elderly patients with peptic ulcer bleeding. The ...
Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) is a common condition, but is difficult to detect in asymptomatic individuals. We aimed to investigate the prevalence of symptomatic and asymptomatic PUD during screening endoscopy and to identify risk factors for the presence of symptoms in patients with PUD. We investiga...
Causes and Risk Factors of Peptic Ulcers For a long time, it was thought that spicy foods or stress caused peptic ulcers — but doctors now know that isn’t the case. Those two factors can, however, make peptic ulcer symptoms worse. ...
(参考翻译)消化性溃疡病peptic ulcer PepticUlcerDisease消化性溃疡病(PUD)MainContents 1.Definition2.Epidemiology3.Etiologyandpathogenesis4.Clinicalpresentations5.Diagnosis6.Complications7.Treatment 1.DefenitionofPUD PUDisUlceration溃疡ofgastrointestinalmucosa胃肠道黏膜resultingfromautodigestion自身消化ofgastricacidand...
Peptic ulcer:An ulcer in the lining of the stomach, duodenum, oresophagus. Peptic ulcers affect millions of people in the US yearly. Ulcer formation is related toHelicobacter pyloribacteria in the stomach, use of anti-inflammatory medications, andcigarettesmoking.Peptic ulcerpain may not correlate ...
Understanding peptic ulcer disease (PUD) pathophysiology and risk factors influencing PUD course poses a great challenge. In this chapter the role of noxious and protective factors in pathophysiology of PUD are discussed. The impact of obesity, alcohol consumption, smoking, as well as genetic factors...