最新Peptic Ulcer DiseasePPT课件 Question:What’sthemeaning of“PepticUlcerDisease”?Definition PepticUlcerDiseaseisdefinedasanulceroccurringinaregionthattouchesgastricacid(胃酸)andpepsin(胃蛋白酶)andusuallyreferstogastriculcer(胃溃疡)orduodenalulcer(十二指肠溃疡).Typicalendoscopicappearanceofabenigngastriculcer.The...
1、Peptic Ulcer Disease(PUD),Definition epidemiology 3. Etiology and pathogenesis 4. Clinical presentations 5. Diagnosis 6. Complications 7. Treatment,Main Contents,1.Defenition of PUD,PUD is Ulceration of gastrointestinal mucosa resulting from auto-digestion of gastric acid and pepsin.,Stomach (gas...
Peptic Ulcer Diseasedoi:10.13140/RG.2.2.16984.93448Vikesh Agrawal
Peptic ulcer disease is characterized by a defect in the gastric or duodenal mucosa and extends to the submucosa. Examine the different types of...
Despite major advances in medicine, peptic ulceration remains a major problem. More than 10% of the adult population will suffer from a gastric or duodenal ulcer (Lu et al. 2004). Most will suffer symptoms such as pain; many will suffer complications occ
Family history included peptic ulcer disease in the father; no details were known to the patient. The patient worked part-time parking cars, was married, and smoked two packs of cigarettes daily. He denied past or present alcohol or drug abuse, or use of any other medication....
Peptic Ulcer DiseaseAuthor links open overlay panelJohn HoltonShow more Share Cite https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-382227-7.00077-XGet rights and contentAccess through your organization Check access to the full text by signing in through your organization. Access through your institution ...
内科学课件26 Peptic ulcer disease (PUD)内科学课件26Pepticulcerdisease(PUD)Definition AcircumscribedulcerationofthegastrointestinalmucosaoccurringinareasexposedtoacidandpepsinandmostoftencausedbyHelicobacterpyloriinfection.(Uphold&Graham,2003)Location EsophagusStomachPylorusDuodenumSmallintestineAnastomoticstoma Peptic...
内科学课件26 peptic ulcer disease (pud)讲解材料 热度: 内科学课件26 Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) 热度: PepticUlcerDisease Therapy PepticUlcerDisease Therapy PepticUlcerDisease CollaborativeCare PepticUlcerDisease CollaborativeCare MedicalregimenconsistsofMedicalregimenconsistsof ...
As technical details and acid secretory consequences of the various operative procedures for peptic ulcer disease became better understood in the 1950s and 1960s, greater emphasis was placed on determining the incidence of dumping and other long-term sequelae of peptic ulcer surgery. The frequency of...