据了解,蓝色可乐是百事可乐测试的100多个概念之一。当时百事可乐高级营销副总裁Dave Burwick在一份声明中表示,其公司几个月来一直在考虑“可乐融合(cola fusion)”,大多数接受调查的青少年表示,他们希望看到一种蓝色的浆果味可乐。[1] 由于目标顾客是青少年,当时的百事可乐还通过和“小甜甜”Britney Spears、加菲猫大...
[8] Pepsi set to super-charge soft drinks with bold Electric blue cola,2024年5月日,Britvic [9] Crystal Pepsi is back,2022年1月4日,CNN Business
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The signature Pepsi pulse evokes the "ripple, pop and fizz" of Pepsi-Cola with movement. It also brings the rhythm and energy of music, an important and continuing part of the Pepsi legacy. The new Pepsi logo and visual identity will debut this fall in North...
macro food photos areanother defining visual trend of the moment. To frame the logo in this context, the brand system uses various silhouettes like cans and cups that almost feel like a subtle “OK, boomer” dig at Coca-Cola’s vintage glass bottle—an easter eggthrowback to the cola wars...
pop and fizz" of Pepsi-Cola – moving in time to the beat of the music, the roar of the crowd, the heartbeat of culture. The logo was first unveiled in the US and is now launching in over 120 countries worldwide through various consumer touchpoints - span...
The official home of Pepsi®. Stay up to date with the latest products, promotions, news and more at www.pepsi.com
1893年,在美国北卡罗莱纳州伯恩市,年轻的药剂师科尔贝•布莱德汉姆(Caleb Bradham)试验时发现了一种新口味,深受苏打柜台顾客的喜爱。他由此意外发明了一种由可乐果、香草和珍贵精油混合而成的碳酸饮料,取名为“布莱德(Brad)饮料”。1898年8月28日,科尔贝将其易名为“百事可乐” (Pepsi-Cola) ,这种饮料能够发挥类似...