Dog pepper spray or Muzzle canine repellent isnot as strong as human pepper spray. It doesn't have to be; a dog's senses (sight, smell) are much more sensitive than ours are. ... It would be a much better idea to purchase human pepper spray, then use it for self defense against ...
We are the web’s #1 source for your Pepper Spray, Mace, Tear Gas and Self Defense needs. That’s all we do. You’ve come to the right place if you want to buy pepper spray. We have the best kinds of pepper sprays likepolice pepper spray,mace pepper spray,pepper spray gun,foam ...
»Pepper Spray Walking Weights »Mace Key Chains »Pepper Mace Batons »Mace Pepper Gel Animal Repellers »Electronic Dog Repeller »Mace Muzzle Dog Repellent »Pepper Mace Bear Spray »Guard Alaska Bear Repellent Spy & Surveillance ...
Animal Repellers -Mace Canine Repellent -Electronic Dog Repeller -Bear Spray Diversion Safes -Beer and Soda Safes -Flower Pot Safe -Wall Socket Safe -Book Safe -Can Safes -Stone Safes -Peanut Butter Safe -Salad Dressing Safe -Salt Shaker Safe ...
Animal Repellents Protection from aggressive animals with a electronic deterrent or specially formulated pepper sprays. More Info Stun Guns Stun guns are the most popular self defense choice next to pepper sprays. More Info HIDDEN cAMERAS We have models for home or office and to wear ...
sprays in addition toPEPPER FOAM,mixed pepperandCN gas defensive spraysOurHot Walkersfeature pepper spray in walking weights. We also carryPepper Pen,Pepper Pager,Wildfire 15% Pepper Spray.Animal Repellers-- Protect yourself from animals.Electronic Dog Repeller,Mace Canine Repellent, andBear Spray. ...
Susceptible insects include flies, borers, aphids, wasps, beetles. ADVANTAGE - At controlled dosage, pepper is harmless to humans.doi:DE4005222BIRZER, MICHAEL, GEMUENDEN, DE
Sale! Mace Keyguard® Pepper Spray $17.84Select options Sale! Pepper Shot 1.2% MC ½ oz Halo Holster $10.20–$11.05Select options Sale! Wildfire 1.4% MC ½ oz Pepper Spray Hard Case $14.00Select options Sale! Pepper Shot 1.2% MC Tri-Pack Pepper Spray ...
articles attesting to its effectivenessagainst bears, as well as plenty of anecdotal evidence. There’s been a lot of talk going around about its performance in comparison to regular pepper spray. Most especially campers and hikers needing a single product to protect them from human and animal ...
disabling and incapacitating chemicals, gases and sprays, such asmace,peppersprays, capsicum sprays, tear gas, acid sprays and animal repellent sprays; handlungsunfähig machende und die Handlungsfähigkeit herabsetzende Chemikalien, Gase und Sprays, wieReizgas,Pfeffersprays, Capsicum-Sprays, Tr...