发音组合:ds 代表单词:needs seeds spends 音标对比:[ ts] [ dz ] [ z ] [ dz ] bets beds boys boards seats seeds gloves grounds nets needs stares stands 鼻辅音: [ m ] [ n ] [ ? ] [m] 音标特征:双唇鼻辅音 发音要诀:双唇闭拢,舌放平,软颚下垂,气流从鼻腔泄出。 声带震动...
We climbed the hills, boated on the lake, and flew kites all morning. At noon, we had a picnic near a big tree. In the afternoon, some girls sang and danced, some boys talked in English, and some students played games there. When we went home, it was late. I was tired...