If you want to learn more about PEP 8, then you can read the full documentation or visit pep8.org, which contains the same information but has been formatted for better readability. In these documents, you’ll find the rest of the PEP 8 guidelines that you didn’t encounter in this tut...
We have discussed what PEP is and why it uses, how to write code that is PEP 8 compliant. Moreover, we have a brief introduction to the naming conventions. If you want more information regarding the PEP 8, you can read the full documentation or visit PEP8.org....
为什么你应该编写符合 PEP8标准的代码 如何编写符合 PEP8的代码 除此之外,您还了解了如何使用linters和autoformatters根据 PEP8指南检查代码。 如果你想了解更多,可以阅读full documentation或者浏览pep8.org,这些教程不仅提供了类似的信息同时也提供了很好的格式让你阅读,在这些文档中,您将找到本教程未涉及的其余 PEP...
It's true that some dunders can create more confusing results than others -- for example, it's probably not a good idea to overload operators without good reason. But many of them, such as__repr__,__str__,__len__, and__call__are really full parts of the language you should be...
PEP 8建议每行代码限制在79个字符以内,这是因为它允许多个文件并排打开,同时也避免了换行,当然,将语句保持在79个字符以内并不总是可行的。PEP 8概述了允许语句在多行上运行的方法。 如果代码包含在括号、方括号或大括号中,Python将会认为代码是一行的: ...
nextweekisquitefullforme,Jack. A:Really?Howcome? B:Ihavedanceandpianolessons. A:Whatkindofdanceareyoulearning? B:h,swingdance.Ifsfun!Ihaveclassonceaweek,every Monday. A:Howoftendoyouhavepianolessons? B:Twiceaweek,onWednesdayandFriday.
One-day cricket may have the occasional pep pill with a close finish or an exciting run chase but too many games are predictable and it is no surprise that the 20-over slap-and-dash game has now become the premier short-form game. Uninspiring World Cup, a thing of the past Why not ...
Whenever you remove usages, it’s easy to forget to remove the corresponding imports. Now, in addition to standard PEP 8 checks, PyCharm is capable ofoptimizing imports. You no longer have to stop what you are doing, scroll to the top of the file, find the unused imp...
Results are in the form of a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains 'id', 'line', 'column', and 'info'. """returnself.__full_error_results checker = pep8.Checker('', lines=source, reporter=QuietReport, **pep8_options) ...
Hillary Clinton is finally getting (one form of) revenge on Donald Trump. The former secretary of state used her primetime speech at the Democratic National Convention to rip into her former presidential rival as a selfish criminal who Democrats now have “on the run...