在创建任何报表之前,您都必须创建并注册一个数据源。用户查询是应用程序用于为 XML Publisher 报表检索数据的数据源。XML Publisher 支持 PS Query、Rowsets、XML Files 以及其他各种类型的数据源。在本教程中,您刚刚修改的查询将是您的数据源。 1. 登录到 PeopleSoft Application,在左侧导航栏中展开Reporting Tools ...
Query Stats and Logging Adding Drilling URLs to PSQuery Aggregate Data Into a Single Column Finding Number of Days Between Two Dates Email Distributions Using nVision Scopes Find Records To Place Into App Designer For a Field Size Change
PSOPRCLS:Users/Operator and Perm list mapping Table. This table stores information about PeopleSoft users and the permission lists attached to those users. A User gets these permission lists indirectly through the roles which are attached to the user Here is anexample query postthat uses all of...
The problem is, we can’t do any aggregations on this to find the number of unique queries in the file as all of them could be unique simply because the PROCESS_INSTANCE keeps changing… but in reality… it’s all the same query… there really is only ONE unique query. ...
How To Access Query Viewer Begin by logging into PeopleSoft.1.Login to myCSUSM 2.Go to PeopleSoft (or Self Service link) 3. Navigate to Main Menu > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer Query Naming Scheme CSUSM uses naming schema for queries – they must all be one word, there is...
要获取使用选项LIST STALE收集自动统计信息定位的对象列表,请使用以下过程: 您应该在GLOBAL级别设置以下内容: 1. 要让Oracle确定样本大小,请设置以下参数: ESTIMATE_PERCENT => DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE Example 速度为10%的样品: RunNumAUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE10%SAMPLE100%SAMPLE ...
Additionally, this is the role query to find out what pages the role grants access to:PT_SEC_ROLE_PAGES You can clone and remove the role prompt from criteria and add the role list to get a list of which pages the roles give access. ...
The content within these sample reports may be obtained and viewed through alternate accessible means such as an online page or query. PDF Version of Pay Checks, Pay Cheques, and Payslips. PDF Version of Benefits Statement and Total Rewards Summary. PDF Version of Tax Withholding forms for ...
SessionPSMessages collectionPSMessagesAll tree classes (trees, tree structures, nodes, levels, and so on)All query classes所有其他数据类型的ApiObject对象(如所有的PortalRegistry类)必须声明为local。注释使用注释语句对代码进行注解,能使其他人员更易明白你写的程序,增强程序代码可读性。使用注释也能使你区分出...
APX7050 Withholding Calculations Query Shows calculations made during the pay cycle that pertain to withholding. For each voucher ID, the report lists detail withholding calculation information, including withholding entity, withholding type, and withholding rules that applied to the voucher. Accounts Pay...