Peoples Bank HomeWealth ManagementInsurance Search Doc Share Login Facebook(Opens in a new Window) Instagram X YouTube LinkedIn Harvesting success in agriculture We are rooted in Agriculture. Embrace the potential of an ag loan, and watch your farming dreams bloom into a thriving reality. ...
Several prominent media sources, the South China Morning Post among them, are running articles on China’s clean-up of the financial sector, this one pointing to the government’s focus on privately owned insurance companies. But those reading Wechat would have known that several years ago, Chi...
Although both the 2023 and 2024 SPC Work Reports address judicial support for finance, the 2024 SPC Work Report emphasizes strict regulatory enforcement in the banking and securities sectors, both subsumed under the category“financial trials.” The Chinese courts concluded 3.032 million financial cases...
This is an area in which the Chinese courts, including Supreme People’s Court is looking to jurisdictions outside mainland China (i.e., including the United Kingdom, Australia, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea) for concepts that may be used in China. Hong Kong law has not been mentioned ...
The SPC is clearly concerned about its image and that of the Chinese courts outside of China because senior SPC officials regularly provide training on the Chinese judicial system for foreign judges, primarily from the Global South. Rather than focus on training, as some others have done, I ...
Mary Landrieu (D-LA) can see Canada from South Dakota Susan Rice: IRS actions against tea parties caused by anti-tax YouTube video that was insulting to their faith Drudge Report reduces font to fit all White House scandals onto one page Obama: the IRS is a constitutional right...
US Media: Can Pope Francis possibly clear up Vatican bureaucracy and banking without blaming the previous administration? Michelle Obama praises weekend rampage by Chicago teens as good way to burn calories and stay healthy This Passover, Obama urges his subjects to paint lamb's blood above doors...
MONTHLY - In south of China, grads often get intern-like offers for 1,500. 1,500-2,500 is the salary for many restaurants you see advertised. This is a hard job with continual tasks and little room for rest, so a hard job.Everyone needs to understand that unlike the west, most jobs...
And for it, we have a Russian invasion of Ukraine; chaos in the Middle East and the rise of an ISIL openly committed to destroying the United States; and China building facilities at Fiery Cross Reef, which issouthof the Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City). ...