The results revealed no significant difference in the prevalence of child sexual abuse between homosexual and bisexual people for both sexes. The prevalence of child sexual abuse among female sexual minorities was significantly higher than that among male sexual minorities. The lowest prevalence was ...
They describe the health problems connected with psychosexual adolescence. Then the authors, on the base of their own research, present risky (anti-health) sexual behaviors of young people both in the real world and in the Internet as well as the consequences such as sexually transmitted diseases...
Of them, 45.7% males and 92.8% females reported sex with a nonregular sex partner (NRSP) in 1 year. Consistent condom use was low in both sexes. Current sexual practice showed that more than four-fifth (87.9%) of the new patients and two-thirds (68.9%) of the indoor patients were ...
Differences between sexes were observed for knee extensor maximal torque and muscle quality with greater increases observed in men versus women (P< 0.05). Maximal torque increased by 15.8 ± 10.6% in women and 41.7 ± 25.5% in men, whereas muscle quality increased by 8.8 ± 17.5% in women ...
Whilst both sexes were similarly comfortable with viewing such imagery, nearly three times as many boys than girls felt their use of porn was impacting on their relationships or becoming a dependency. Over seven per cent of boys felt their viewing was getting out of control. The survey asked ...
516 young people of both sexes were asked to fill out questionnaires on their sexual behavior. 25% of the young people (15-17 years) have sexual intercourse prior to marriage. In about 50% of the cases the 1st sexual intercourse was not planned in advance. Only about 40-50% of the you...
Meetings with friends were found to be protective factors for both sexes; care of grandchildren and participating in outings and excursions seemed to be protective factors for women only. Unfavorable economic situations, and being childless, were associated with prevalence of depression symptoms among ...
In recent years many Americans of both sexes and various ages have become interested in improving their bodies. They have become devoted to physical fitness. The need to exercise has almost become natural with many people who have a strong desire to be more physically fit. By nature Americans ...
The mean age at sexual debut was 15.7±1.6 and 15.6±1.6 for females and males, respectively, and the median age was 16 for both sexes./p pWith regard to contraceptive use during the last year, 63.6% of males and 62.8% of females responded affirmatively; 42.6% of males and 42.8% of ...
1000 subjects of both sexes in each survey permitted measurements of plasma PLP and PA. There were also measurements of EAATAC in the young people's survey.Results: According to published limits of normality, only 5% or less of the young people had unacceptable vitamin B6 status as measured ...