Are People With An Anxiety Disorder More Likely To Abuse Others, Or Be The Victims Of Abuse? Dr. Joan Anzia answers the question: 'Anxiety Disorders Leading To Abuse?' ByABC News April 16, 2008, 5:18 AM -- Question: Are people with an anxiety disorder more likely to abuse othe...
Social anxietyHappinessPositive affectNegative affectExperience-samplingQuality contact with other people serves as a reliable mood enhancement strategy. We wondered if the emotional benefits of socializing are present even for those with a psychological disorder defined by social distress and avoidance: ...
As for anxiety, which often co-exists with depression among young people, the prevalence rate among young people aged 15 [...] 有 抑鬱症的青少年多同時患有焦慮 症,而 焦慮 症 在本 港介乎 15 至 24 歲青少年間的普遍率為 17%(Hong Kong Mood Disorders Center, 2001)。
Information and Decision-Making Needs Among People with Anxiety Disorders: Results of an Online Survey. Information and decision-making needs among people with anxiety disorders: results of an online survey. Patient 2015;8(6):531-9.Liebherz S, Härter M, Dirmaier J, Tlach L. Information ...
People with learning disabilities experience anxiety disorders, as do the general population. Many studies have highlighted the incidence of anxiety disorders in this population, but they have fallen short of addressing prevalence and issues associated with anxiety disorders and its impact. This paper br...
Anxiety disorders in young people with autism and learning disabilitiesUNIVERSITY OF NORTHUMBRIA, UK
Yoga could help reduce symptoms for people with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, according to a study published by Georgia State University researchers in the International Journal of Yoga Therapy.
Get rid of anxiety disorders and panic attacks quickly and permanently with the proven online online therapy by bestselling author Klaus Bernhardt.
Anxiety disorders in young people: a population-based study###Quality of life in adolescents with obsessive-compulsive disorder###Endophenotypes and serotonergic polymorphisms associated with treatment response in obsessive-compulsive disorder###Prevalencia de trastorno obsesivo compulsivo en adolescentes colombi...
Revista De Pesquisa Em Saúde 19- 29-32 Kisely S, Sawyer E, Siskind D, Lalloo R (2016) The oral health of people with anxiety and depressive disorders - A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Affect Disord 200:119–132 Article PubMed Google Scholar Download references...