This study explored the preferences and perceptions of fellow self-identifying adults with accessibility needs concerning American English accessibility-related descriptors, particularly in terms of the positively or negatively defined quality of the terminology. Participants quantitatively evaluated preference, ...
The tutorials provide detailed procedures about how to adjust options, features, and settings to meet the needs of people with disabilities and accessibility needs. This information is presented in a side-by-side format so that you can see at a glance how to use the mouse, the keyboard, or...
The article focuses on the accessibility for the needs of people with mental disabilities. It says that reduction of stigma that prevents recognizing mentally disabled people as part of the community with bonafide accessibility rights is the first step in removing accessibility barriers for these indiv...
Raymond Chen, wrote some good thoughts about accessibility and how it relates to people with disabilities and people without disabilities earlier today.I have to say I agree whole heartedly with Raymond when he says:Finally, check out this screencast showing off Vista's speech recognition system. ...
When you create your Sway with inclusivity in mind, everyone can read and understand the concepts and ideas in it. In this topic, you'll learn how to use the Accessibility Checker to tackle accessibility issues that might make it difficult for people with disabiliti...
When you create your Sway with inclusivity in mind, everyone can read and understand the concepts and ideas in it. In this topic, you'll learn how to use the Accessibility Checker to tackle accessibility issues that might make it difficult for people with disabilities to use the Sway. You'...
Disability & Accessibility on SNCF Connect Prepare your trip with peace of mind by discovering our services for disabled travelers New help sections adapted to your needs You have a disability Discover the specific services for your particular disability, whether you are traveling in a wheelchair or...
With the Accessibility Checker for Office, users can see what elements in your document, spreadsheet, or slideshow need attention so that it is easily accessible for people with special needs. This is a free tool available not only in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, but ...
Environmental barriers can be avoided by designing the outdoor environment to meet the needs of older people and people with disabilities. This thesis focuses on accessibility in Sweden from two perspectives; societal challenges and user perception. It explores how the societal challenge of removing ...
People with complex communication needs are frequently excluded from shopping independently by communication access barriers in the retail industry. In thi