I just wish all these idiotic people who think they're entitled to judge would keep their opinions to themselves. If it was an older man with a young girlfriend people would barely bat an eyelid. There are loads of blokes … Read
When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers, “just men who will rule in the fear of God.” The preservation of government depends on the faithful discharge of this duty; if the...
The “fittest” are those who can bring to the struggle superior force, superior cunning and superior ruthlessness. But we are entitled to ask whether the ruthlessness of the tiger, the cunning of the fox and the obedience to the law of the jungle are, in their human applications, ...
根据第一Peoplewhothinkofthemselvesastough-mindedandrealistictendtotakeitforgrantedthathumannatureisselfishandthatlifeis a struggleinwhichonlythefittestmaysurvive.Accordingtothisphilosophy,thebasiclawbywhichpeoplemustlive,isthelawofthejungle.The"fittest"arethosewhocanbringtothestrugglesuperiorforce,superiorcunning...
People are entitled to think whatever they want, just as you are entitled to think what you want. What people think of you cannot change who you are , unless you allow them to. 人都有权利去思考他想要的东西,就像你也有权利想要得到你想要的东西一样。别人所想的内容不能改变你,除非你自己允许...
The “fittest” are those who can bring to the struggle superior force, superior cunning and superior ruthlessness. But we are entitled to ask whether the ruthlessness of the tiger, the cunning of the fox and the obedience to the law of the jungle are, in their human applications, ...
After reading the article, you are expected to gain some information about what two different age groups are on the move and why they are moving. 1. Many people are now using mobile phones. Do you know what the word “mobile〞 mean? 2. What do you think a mobile library...
For some reason, people think they can do whatever they want if they have a certain amount of money. Those people really need to come off of their high horses, because that is almost never the case! People on Reddit share the most entitled rich person behavior they have e...
they didn’t have an appointment it’s a firm no. I’m in this profession to help others and I still work late for real emergencies when they happen or if an appointment runs longer than expected, but I’m done sacrificing my personal time for entitled people who don’t actually ...
way. If we simply look to animals in order to define what we mean by “fitness to survive”, there is no limit to the subhuman systems of behavior that we can think up. We may emulate any animal because they have all obviously survived in one way or another. We are still entitled ...