I met a 30-something EMT, a man who at least claimed to be a police officer, and another who claimed to be a lawyer (Lawyer in the Church of Satan... it's almost TOO perfect). They sounded like what I'd now refer to as 'emos,' a term I wasn't familiar with in the 90's...
Rules You Have To Follow If You Join The Cult Led By A Guy Who Thinks He's Jesus Reincarnated The Hybrid Children Community Says It's Creating The Ultimate Human By Breeding With Aliens 15 Horrific Tactics Jim Jones Used To Keep His Followers On Lockdown ...
These claimed that the birth defect was caused by injury in their other life, or lives. So, what are birth marks to do with anything? Well, it seems that the children who stated that they had been 'Great granny' for example, actually had the same birth marks as their great grandmother...
As with every believer in reincarnation, karma and the soul’s upward progress are part of Nicks’s view. “I can’t believe that the next life couldn’t be better than this. If it isn’t, I don’t want to know about it. I think that if you’re reincarnated, you’re probably re...
Rules You Have To Follow If You Join The Cult Led By A Guy Who Thinks He's Jesus Reincarnated Cargo Cults: The Island Cults You Never Even Knew Existed The 15 Greatest End of the World Prophecy FAILs What Life Was Like In The Peoples Temple Cult Before The Jonestown Massacre Killed ...
12 Companies We Never Expected To Have Been Associated With Cult-Like Groups This Woman Claims To Channel The Spirit Of An Ancient Warrior And Uses His Teachings To Lead A Cult Rules You Have To Follow If You Join The Cult Led By A Guy Who Thinks He's Jesus Reincarnated The Sul...
Rules You Have To Follow If You Join The Cult Led By A Guy Who Thinks He's Jesus Reincarnated 15 Children Of Famous Cult Leaders: Where Are They Now? Major Hollywood Stars Who Were Connected To Dangerous Cults This Woman Claims To Channel The Spirit Of An Ancient Warrior And Uses...