1. Artemisinin has become a vital part of the treatment for malaria, and is thought to save 100, 000 lives a year in Africa alone.青蒿素成了抗疟疾药物的关键成分,据估计每年仅在非洲就挽救了10万人的性命。vital adj. 1) extremely important and necessary for something to succeed or exist...
Have you ever wondered why Americans write“color" while British people write“colour"?No, it's not because the Americans are lazy.In fact, the different spelling goes back to Noah Webster. He was born in the state of Connecticut in America. Later he became a teacher. He changed British ...
2. Write a biography of famous person in ancient China. Period 3 Step 1 Presentation: Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with proper words. the red the green the small the big The apple which is red is mine. The apple which is green is yours. The apple which is red ...
9minutes Step4: Homework Speaking: write a biography (个人简介) about Tu Youyou. The article may not be less than 150 words. 巩固深化学情分析授课对象为高二、21班学生46人。该班学生大部分英语基础处于中游水平,但学习态度较为认真。同时学生已经基本具备了阅读中获取细节信息的能力,部分学生的英语表达...
3. Choose a biography or autobiography of a great person. Read the book, and then write a book report. Keep these points in mind. 设计意图:引导学生运用本单元所学知识,并参照范例,进行整合,完成读书报告。 Step 4 Assignment Present your book report to your group. Answer any questions about ...
His biography.(生平) His personality. His dreams. Para 4--Dr Yuan’s dreams Choose the right meaning: 1.Dreaming for things, however, costs nothing. A.Dreams are free,you can imagine what your future would like. B.You should spend some money on dreams. Para 4--Dr Yuan’s ...
This is the biography page for Coco René. Coco René writes dirty things for dirty people. Consummate kinkster and gleeful pervert, Coco can be found with gin in hand and pen in the other.Coco René
Have you ever wondered why Americans write "color" while British people write"colour"? No, it's not because the Americans are lazy.In fact, the difference in spelling was started by Noah Webster, a 17th century teacher.He changed British English (A)Americans have their own language. Linguist...
passed away, ...(P6)analogy 类比metaphor 隐喻simile 明喻personification 拟人euphemism 委婉 Rhetorical devices serve to make communication more persuasive, engaging, and effective.Step 4:To sum upgeniuscouragousmanagedclerkpassiondoctorateextraordinaryawardedpeculiaritiesencounteredHow to write a biography?contrib...
one treatment for molaria,and is thought to sove 100.000 lives a year nicg alone. Tu Youyou.a committed and pa scientist ,was born in Ningbo,China,on 30 December 1930,and graduated fio Peking University Medical School in 1955.Affer she graduated she workedat ine China Academy of Iradition...