Boxing is a popular sport that many people seem to be fascinated by.Newspapers,magazines and sports programmes on TV frequently 41 boxing matches.Professional boxers earn a lot of money,and successful boxers are 42 as big heroes.It seems to me that people,especially men,find it 43 because it...
Heroes in My Mind What are heroes like? When people talk about heroes, they will 1 (想到) the person who saves the world or shocks the people, such as Superman or Spiderman. They 2 (坚持) caring about people’s lives all the time. In real life, people believe that a hero 3 (...
but they are very diligent”, said Hu Hong. Thetraining, which is tailored to each trainee, qualifies them for several job positions.Following a selection process andjob trial, trainees then select a position that best suits their skill set.用...
Ni Zhenyun recalls that since her childhood, after the cotton harvest, she would sit with her mother in front of the spinning wheel in the evening.With one hand operating the spinning wheel and the other pinching the cotton fibers, they would diligently work night after night. Through their ...
【题目】It's generally agreed that heroes are great and always admired by common people.However,most of us have no clear idea about heroes.At some point,we all wonder if we need a hero and what a hero really is. Although there are a lot of differences in cultures,heroes around the wor...
The heroes are the people the nation and especially the young people admire. If you get a list of the heroes of a nation, it will tell you the potential(潜力) of that nation.Today in America, if you ask the high school students to list their heroes, their choice would probably fall ...
【题目】A)Heroes nurture us when we're young. Our research has shown that when people are asked to name their own personal heroes, the first individuals who often come to mind are parents and caretakers. All of us owe whatever success we've had in life to the people who were there ...
Heroes come from the people:Wuhan Teacher Couple Helps a Young Girl in Need for 10 Years 武汉教师夫妻扶助苦难女童10年Wuhan Teacher Couple Helps a Young Girl in Need for 10 Years楚天都市报极目新闻记者 张渊 通讯员 林贵明 翻译:黄伟韬 张慧敏 卫拉(湖北大学)Jimu News Reporter: Zhang Yuan Corre...
Wang's feelings echoed the narratives in Masters in the Forbidden City which determined his choice of career. It is when craftsmen are at work that time seems non-existent, the human becomes insignificant and only the history remains eternally.记者在张济夏和汪洋的工作室看到,数个不同年代、不同...