They will not be found by sonar, meaning they can swim around submarines (潜水艇) unnoticed compared to anti-submarine aircraft (反潜艇飞机), anti-submarine “fish” are cheaper and can work better.Along with military and research uses, underwater rescue (救援) and archaeology (考古) can ...
We encourage our fishing clients not to bring any guns with them, because so many of them have the story in mind that every time they see a bear, they're going to have to use that gun. That's not true, and an untrained, inexperienced person with a gun in hand is more dangerous th...
antisubmarine anterior anta another's animated anemia ancestral amp amounted americana ambivalence altitude altering altar alpert aloof almighty allusions allowable allocated alleviate allegations algerian alexandria alec's alcoves alan airlines airfield aimo aimless aiming aggressiveness agenda aft afro afl ...
They will not be found by sonar, meaning they can swim around submarines (潜水艇) unnoticed compared to anti-submarine aircraft (反潜艇飞机), anti-submarine “fish” are cheaper and can work better.Along with military and research uses, underwater rescue (救援) and archaeology (考古) can ...