现在,PeopleStrong的工作和人力资源技术让超过275家企业和100万员工,来提升生产效率,推动业绩提升,打造协作型工作场所。PeopleStrong的客户包括Aditya Birla Capital、Cholamandalam Finance、True Corporation、Singlife、Amararaja集团、印度未来集团(Future Group)、Cars24、Livspace、Caratlane和Bankbazaar等众多领先企业。 通过...
桑迪普还将帮助我们吸引和建立一个世界一流的团队,为我们的发展雄心提供支持。” 现在,PeopleStrong的工作和人力资源技术让超过275家企业和100万员工,来提升生产效率,推动业绩提升,打造协作型工作场所。PeopleStrong的客户包括Aditya Birla Capital、Cholamandalam Finance、True Corporation、Singlife、Amararaja集团、印度未...
通过这次收购,PeopleStrong已经全面的人力资源技术套件(目前服务于亚洲300多家企业)将通过人才招聘、员工管理和人才管理服务,得到进一步加强。如今,来自Aditya Birla Capital、Singlife、True Corp、Amara raja Group、Chola Finance、Future Group和Vmart等企业的逾80万用户正在体验PeopleStrong的新工作守则。Qilo是该公司过去...
通過這次收購,PeopleStrong已經全面的人力資源技術套件(目前服務於亞洲300多家企業),將通過人才招聘、員工管理和人才管理服務,得到進一步加強。如今,來自Aditya Birla Capital、Singlife、True Corp、Amara raja Group、Chola Finance、Future Group和Vmart等企業的逾80萬用戶正在體驗PeopleStrong的新工作守則。Qilo是該公司過...
will get further strengthened. Today, over 800 thousand users from enterprises like Aditya Birla Capital, Singlife, True Corp, Amara raja group, Chola Finance, Future Group, and Vmart experiencing the new code of work with PeopleStrong. Qilo is the third acquisition by the company in t...
Now also repeated even though the so called leader Esayas Afewrki is against of the strong desire for peace of the Tigreans and Eritreans. It is shameful for Esayas to act like a hooligan leaving the crowd without even making a speech as a country leader. I guess Dr Abiyi is not ...
Since the Santragachhi area was earlier known for a grand Saraswati puja celebration, which this festival brought to a stop, the article describes how, as a placatory move, it was decided that the Ramraja iconography would include Saraswati and the making of the idol would start on the day...
现在,PeopleStrong的工作和人力资源技术让超过275家企业和100万员工,来提升生产效率,推动业绩提升,打造协作型工作场所。PeopleStrong的客户包括Aditya Birla Capital、Cholamandalam Finance、True Corporation、Singlife、Amararaja集团、印度未来集团(Future Group)、Cars24、Livspace、Caratlane和Bankbazaar等众多领先企业。