His birthright was music, being the son of Julio Iglesias, an iconic Spanish singer, and Isabel Preysler, a Filipina journalist and socialite. As a young child, he found solace in music following the traumatic kidnapping of his grandfather by ETA, a Basque terrorist group. This early immersion...
Andrea Nicole "Andi" Guck Eigenmann (born 25 June 1990) is a Filipina actress and model. Birthplace: Philippines, Marikina Willis Reed Dec. at 80 (1942-2023) Willis Reed Jr. (June 25, 1942 – March 21, 2023) was an American professional basketball player, coach, and general manager. ...
Hi!Im a Filipina working in UAE as Human Resources & Training Manager, this website helps me to know more about the COuntry!Hope one day I will be able to visit there!God Bles! 18 victoria soo lum ⚠ thanks so muccccch im doing a project right now due tomorrow it helped me do ...
Pembunuhan Ninoy Aquino telah menyebabkan kemarahan di kalangan rakyat Filipina. Rakyat hilang kepercayaan kepada pemerintahan regim Marcos dan tindakan tersebut telah mendorong kepada apa yang dipanggil “civil disobedience” secara besar-besaran. Isteri Ninoy, Corazon Aquino telah diangkat menjadi ikon...
Andrea Elizabeth Torres also known as Andrea Torres is a Filipina actress, host and commercial model. She is currently an exclusive contract artist of GMA Network. Birthplace:Philippines, Manila 6 Andrea Elson 03/05/1969 Andrea Hope Elson (born March 6, 1969) is an American former actress. Be...
María Isabel Preysler Arrastía (born February 18, 1951), better known as Isabel Preysler, is a Filipina socialite and television host. Birthplace:Manila, Philippines 7 Isabel Bassett Wasson 12/31/1896 Isabel Bassett Wasson (January 11, 1897 – February 21, 1994) was one of the first female...
this movement’s most brilliant figure, produced two political novels—Noli me tangere(1887;Touch Me Not) andEl filibusterismo(1891;The Reign of Greed)—which had a wide impact in the Philippines. In 1892 Rizal returned home and formed the Liga Filipina, a modest reform-minded society, loyal...