专栏/People Playground的mod推荐,第一期 People Playground的mod推荐,第一期 2021年10月31日 01:47796浏览· 6点赞· 9评论 陌路_火焰 粉丝:158文章:2 关注ARMY 物品介绍 12个头盔 从左到右分别是1.美国头盔 2.荷兰头盔 3.俄罗斯头盔 4.中国头盔 5.乌克兰头盔 6.印度头盔 7.德国 8.巴西 9.不属于任何...
人类游乐场/People Playground 测试mod介绍BAPO258 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 3849 12 02:48 App 人类游乐场Multi-function Menu更新介绍 2060 0 00:43 App 人类游乐场 不用工坊安装mod教程 1623 0 00:51 App 甜瓜仿人类游乐场mod 489 0 03:46 App 人类游乐场 外国大佬优质pvz模组...
在3DM Mod站下载其他游戏最新的people playground精选军事模组(带people playground最新版) Mod,由sdaddadsad制作。sdaddadsad在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧! 详细介绍
free download mods for People Playground , and provide People Playground Cars, Weapons, Clothing, Items, Military Vehicle, Buildings, Gameplay, NPC, and other mods. People Playground is a sandbox simulation game based on a physics engine. You can also design and build your own Mods, using the...
人类游乐场是一款全新的动作角色扮演类型的冒险模拟独立游戏,采用经典的全像素风格作为游戏特色,以经典的横向滚屏作为游戏的主要玩法。人类游乐场人物使用方法是需要加一个叫active humans的mod;之后拿小人的手靠近枪,按f。游戏中每个对象都有一组描述它如何与世界上任何事物交互的属性,有些东西很锋利。玩家可以用剑或...
Nexus Mods I How to download People Playground mods YeetGun 1.3k 2 Terraria AI Slimes Update DyadyushkaDyadya 594 0 View More - Random News & Updates All news Features Site news Game news Competition news Mod news Interviews Mod updates Interviews Halloween Competition Winners'...
A Melon Playground Map By The Epic Rainbow Officialy. To work the mod requires: Melon Playground Mod. +67 01.03.202518:06 21.39K Den Martin 9 Updated Slasher Characters Pack for People Playground SlashingThis mod contains:-Jason Voorhees-Freddy Krueger-Michael Myers-Leatherface-Ghostface-UPDATE!
Text Mod Endorsements 0 Unique DLs 7 Total DLs 7 Total views 372 Version 1.0 Download: Manual 1 items Last updated 04 November 20241:56AM Original upload 04 November 20241:56AM Created by Aidenkoski Uploaded by aidenfallout0216 Virus scan...
ModAPI.OnLinkCreated and ModAPI.OnPinCreated events. The modding wiki is being worked on intensely so these events may not be documented for a while. They are invoked when a link device is created (currently only the phase link) and when a pin is created, respectively. Partial proper docu...
People.Playground|人类游乐场 是一款基于物理引擎制作的模拟器游戏,这款游戏为玩家提供了一个可破坏的假人环境,允许玩家对假人进行各种破坏和虐待,包括刺伤、燃烧、中毒、撕裂、汽化或压碎等。游戏的核心玩法不仅限于对假人的破坏,玩家还可以利用物理引擎的特性,发挥创意制作各种机械,用独特的方法“搞死”这些假人。