2016年的People, Places and Things,讲述了一个女人因药物成瘾转而寻求自助会帮助的故事。导演将舞台放置在观众席的中央,以探索一种新的视觉呈现方式。 如果你还有其他的关于留学、电影、戏剧和表演的问题,请留言联系我们吧~
剧作家Duncan Macmillan似乎想说:不仅成瘾者无法逃离导致他们成瘾的“人、地点和事物”……而他们唯一的“避难所”,会将他们带回到痛苦的最初源头……我问过很多朋友,为什么这么大年纪还要纠结原生家庭?他们说:特定情境下,还是会突然被吸进一个黑洞。想要讨好,想要被承认,不由得猜疑内耗,纠结旁人看法…然后,重演不被...
2016年的People, Places and Things,讲述了一个女人因药物成瘾转而寻求自助会帮助的故事。导演将舞台放置在观众席的中央,以探索一种新的视觉呈现方式。 如果你还有其他的关于留学、电影、戏剧和表演的问题,请留言联系我们吧~ 戏剧艺术留学艺术留学作品集
13. People, Places and Things 武太白英语 2024-06-27 07:03 上海 请在微信客户端打开人划线
It's actually one of the first things I liked about you. 太逗了你知道我最先喜欢上你哪一点吗? That's funny. Do you know one of the first things I liked about you was? -哪一点?-胸上那一点 - What? - Your tits. 好眼光那就不要冷落它们 That's so nice. Please touch them. -爸爸...
People, Places and ThingsTaylor, John RussellPlays International & Europe
我没见过 Idon'tseeanything. 派对就在外面举办 Theparty'soutside. 这不是你的披肩我知道是你父母的 That'snotyourcape.Iknowyourparents. 我只是我…我不想跟你生小孩 Ijust,I...Idon'tthinkIwanttohavekidswithyou. 这不是你的错你没有做错任何事只是… Andit'snotyourfault,it'snotanythingyou'vedone...
Suitable, acceptable or correct for the particular things. High on the dresser. Someone who cuts a beautiful hair. The receptionist. Someone who received the visitors and a cause that I play in an office setting. To relax a tense or very formal atmosphere or situation. To pass time on ...
People, Places, and ThingsThe psychology of design: How to create an environment in which you will thriveBiophilia Biophilic Design: What It Is and Why It Matters Sally Augustin Ph.D. on October 28, 2024 In biophilic design, our spaces recreate positive elements of our lives long ago so...