Evans said she lost Medicaid coverage in September because she hadn't received paperwork after moving from Great Falls, Montana. She has had to forgo theblood pressure medicationshe can no longer pay for since losing coverage. She has also had to put off needed dental work. Evans is one of...
States could save $3 billion for their share of the Medicaid bill if they remove ineligible people in six months instead of 12 months, the analysis showed. But by leaving so many residents uninsured, states could lose more than a half million jobs and $54 billion in economic output. For s...
Medicaid recipients who don’t recertify are in danger of losing their Medicaid coverage and could find themselves without health insurance coverage. For anyone who is on Medicaid, it’s important to make sure your state Medicaid agency has accurate and up-to-date contact information for you. ...
Obamacare has allowed more than 12 milpon people to either get insurance through Medicaid or the exchanges.These are people who may previously have felt the need to get a full-time job that provided insurance in order to cover themselves and their famipes.With Obamacare there is no longer ...
We synthesized articles’ findings into 1) barriers/challenges faced by people experiencing homelessness and their providers with CVD management and care delivery (competing priorities, lifestyle challenges, medication adherence, access to care, and discrimination), 2) seven international programs/...
For now, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama, the state’s largest private insurance provider, is urging those being removed from Medicaid to check their eligibility status. “More than 120,000 Alabamians are at risk of losing Medicaid, and approximately 61,000 Alabamians unfortunately may not...
Severe wasting syndrome was a hallmark of the early AIDS epidemic, when HIV-related metabolic changes and opportunistic infections resulted in people losing 10% or more of their body mass. What’s more, some early antiretrovirals were associated with a combination of peripheral fat loss and abdomin...
Although NET gives patients space to process significant losses, young people who witnessed DV may need additional time and support to come to terms with losing or feeling betrayed by an attachment figure, as well as to regulate their often complex emotions toward the violent caregiver (Ford & ...
Some provisions under the Affordable Care Act are set to expire by the end of 2025 unless Congress acts, meaning millions of people are at risk of losing access to affordable healthcare. It remains to be seen how the newly elected Congress will address the future of the ACA next year, an...
I was a cashier at a fast food restaurant for almost eight years when I found out I was pregnant with my first child. My doctor put me on standing and lifting restrictions because I was in danger of losing my baby. My employer told me that I would have to take this time off and th...