NEARLY 200 MOBILE devices of people who visited Jeffrey Epstein’s notorious “pedophile island” in the years prior to his death left an invisible trail of data pointing back to their own homes and offices. The coordinates point to mansions in gated communities in Michigan and Florida; homes i...
Media outlets distinguished the case from another judge's decision not to reveal who guaranteed a bond for Jeffrey Epstein's longtime associate Ghislaine Maxwell. They said there was less "stigma" from being associated with Bankman-Fried than from being associated with the ...
“IsJeffrey Epsteinreally dead?” is a question that will no doubt be asked for many years yet. Though authorities suggest this billionaire paedophile was left alone unguarded and just hanged himself, others suggest he may either have been murdered or spirited away due to the secrets he held o...
If Apollo 13 had continued toward the Moon, NASAwould have had no choice but to delay landing in orbituntil the Sun illuminated Fra Mauro. Trying to land in darkness would have beensuicidal—the crew simplywouldn’t have been able to see where they were going. That’s thereality—landing ...
the nation’s local newspapers, who often break significant stories since many of their journalists are still real. Then he takes that money and buys 16 mansions all closely connected in West Palm Beach, FL, (a couple of blocks from one of Jeffrey Epstein’s homes, b...
No, actually a woman who claims Trump raped her in the 1990s when she was 13 years old (back when Trump used to hang out with billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, who’s now a convicted pedophile). There’s a hearing in the case set for this December, and the woman is now being represented ...
. Each item is linked to each one’s own bisexual orientation. The response options ranged from 0 (“never”) to 3 (“often”). The Cronbach’s alpha was 0.84. 2.3.3. Proximal Stressors We assessed anticipated binegativity, internalized binegativity, and concealment of one’s bisexual ...
Proteinuria was present in 16.7% of our patients and conferred a 9.34-fold higher risk of kidney disease, suggesting HIV-associated nephropathy (HIVAN) as a major contributor to kidney disease in this setting. HIVAN has a predilection for African populations and has been linked with high-risk ...