How Jesus Healed People And How You Can Too A Scientific ExplanationGreg Dinneen
A blind man is healed 22 Jesus and his disciples came to Bethsaida. Some people brought a blind man to Jesus and begged him to touch and heal him. 23 Taking the blind man’s hand, Jesus led him out of the village. After spitting on his eyes and laying his hands on the man, he ...
in the city in which they dwell; they have known the lion turned into a lamb, and they have traced the transformation to belief in the Son of God, and they have said with honest logic and healthful thankfulness, If Jesus Christ be not the Son of God, faith in his name...
When people genuinely meet the true Christ, their lives are transformed. Those transformed lives then lead others to salvation. Preaching the gospel is what Jesus died for—not fighting for Him. Christ knows how to fight His battles. Let us focus on being His witnesses, sharing His love and ...
Some people brought to Him a man who was deaf and hardly able to speak, and they begged Jesus to place His hand on him.Berean Literal BibleAnd they bring to Him a man who was deaf and who spoke with difficulty, and they implore Him that He might lay the hand on him.King James ...
When Jesus healed people they either approached Him for the healing, or they were brought to Him. Again, Jesus only went to the ill when they were confined to their rooms. It is also interesting to note that Jesus went as far as people needed Him to go to receive their healing. Some ...
9Jesus told his disciples to get a small boat ready for him so the crowd wouldn't crush him. 10He had healed so many people that everyone who was sick pushed forward so that they could touch him. 11Whenever the evil spirits saw him, they fell down at his feet and shouted, "You are...
Jesus Heals Many People 29Jesus left there and went along by Lake Galilee. He climbed a hill and sat down. 30Large crowds came to him, bringing with them the lame, the blind, the crippled, the dumb, and many other sick people, whom they placed at Jesus' feet; and he healed them. ...
After learning of the beheading of John the Baptist Jesus tried to withdraw from the people by boat to a solitary place, but there he found a large crowd, so he had compassion on them and healed their sick. Numbers 8 deals with setting the Levites apart for their duties. Numbers 9 ...
And then there they were, like a hundred hands and mouths and, okay, she didn’t know me, but Jesus, do not bite my nipples. Too much was happening at once. And maybe it’s this: Nothing they were doing was about me. It was about them, only not really that either. It was ...