Reading that, it makes you want to send a copy of the book to the head of Starbucks, a company that’s been destroying third places in neighbourhoods by opening up coffee shops that have no seating. It’s not the only reason thatthe company has been doing poorly, but it no doubt con...
This transition protocol for children based on “The Dutch Study” had previously been used by clinics in Sweden since around 2014 to start children on puberty blockers leading to cross-sex hormones and surgery. The “Dutch Study” was originally designed with strict criteria for inclusion which ...
2:02 a.m.: OPD call transmitted multiple shots fired at Pulse nightclub. 2:04a.m.: Additional OPD officers arrived on scene. 2:08 a.m.: Officers from various law enforcement agencies made entrance to Pulse and engaged the shooter. 2:18 a.m.: OPD S.W.A.T. (Special Weapons & Tact...
I’d seen him not long before he died, character acting in other movies and on YouTube videos performing his impossible card tricks and sleights of hand. These tricks so confound the rational mind that magic seems the only logical explanation, even when you know better like I’m supposed to...
Because of the possibility he could die, Allen noted that he wrote out a “manual” with information Linda would need to know if he were no longer there, such as screen shots of how to access their online accounts. “Part of the book is the whole relationship thing and how we got thro...
Before this breakup, we used to watch Blind Date in his apartment, a reality show where snarky potshots were taken at couples on blind dates. Now I was watching Singing in the Rain on hydrocodone alone. “It doesn’t look so bad,” he said. He said it with part disappointment and ...
Who will show up on your doorstep when the SHTF? Will you let them in or turn them away? Selco weighs in on the topic based on his own experience.
Google shots fired. Let’s do this. But the way that I explain it to people, when I’m doing the advocacy thing, is that. Elastic is the search that you want to work. So you don’t have [00:01:00] to go to Google. [00:01:01] And I mean that in, when you go to Yelp,...
You may also like… What does vegan hate look like? Cobra Kai, a TV series sequel to the original Karate Kid movies, is one of my favourite shows. However, 2 core characters, Johnny Lawrence and John Kreese, are carnivorous senseis that take regular shots at veganism to portray their ma...
The photographer, a woman from Henan province, told me that the two of them had come here to find work, and that she thought it would be good to get some 'snow shots' for the portfolio she was putting together. After spotting a Snowman, a Noddy car, and now Snow White, I ...