It's not always quality, it's also quantity. Michel Lotito ate a lot of weird things in his life, but he had a personal favorite he came back to time and time again: bicycles. In his 50 years of eating objects that weren't food, he consumeda total of 18 bicycles- handles and all...
I knew that it was fermented fish and that eating it would be a challenge but, having eaten all sorts of weird seafood when I lived in Spain, I was determined to give it a go.One day, just around lunchtime, I was shopping in my local supermarket when I came across a tin of the s...
Yet doctors have seen cases of people who've swallowed all sorts of weird objects, from household items like lighters to tech gadgets like an entire cellphone. One 10-year-old girl even swallowed a part of her fidget spinner. Take a look ... Fidget spinner On May 13, 2017, in Texas,...
The problem with having a theory is that it may be loaded with cognitive biases. So one of the problems of explaining why people believe weird things is that we have things, on a simple level, and then I'll go to more serious ones. Like, we have a tendency to see faces. 有理论的...
Michael Shermer debunks myths, superstitions and urban legends -- and explains why we believe them. Along with publishing Skeptic Magazine, he's author of Why People Believe Weird Things and The Mind of the Market. Learn more Why People Believe Weird Things Michael Shermer | Holt Paperbacks (20...
...论者杂志》发行人、《科学人》杂志专栏作家,畅销书《为什麽大家相信怪事》(Why People Believe Weird Things)作者/麦…|基于23个网页 2. 为何人们相信怪事 《为何人们相信怪事》(Why People Believe Weird Things)作者 戴维·迈尔斯(David Myers) 希望大学 《直觉:它的力量和风 …www.psychspace...
Robert MatthewsDepartment of Information Engineering at Aston UniversitySignificanceMatthews, R. (2005) Why do people believe weird things? Significance, 2(4), 182-185.R. Matthews (2005), Why do People Believe Weird Things?, Significance, 2, 182-184....
Hunted, scared, and hungry, it’s unclear how long Eleven lived in the woods eating squirrels, but it was long enough for her to grow skittish again, like an abused animal that found love, only to be beaten once more. She’s scared enough to throw flaming squirrels at strangers, rather...
When you see a picture of the cute little puffin bird (who looks more like a Disney character than something you’d think of eating), it’s hard to imagine that someone would want to rip its heart out and eat it. But, in Iceland, they do. And it’s eatten raw. Bleh!
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