something is what you're very good at doing; something you're talented at and experienced in pass the buck: 推卸责任,踢皮球 give a task to another person rather than doing it yourself; suggest that it's their problem...
It was spectacular indeed, but completely inappropriate for babies. To boot, we were on a carb-free, alcohol-free diet (ie no wine or bread), were sleep training Vukile (ie. he had to be in bed before dinner hours) and learned the hard way that we cannot all sleep in the same ...
Harmful sexual behaviour – Sexual behaviours expressed by children and young people under the age of 18 years old that are developmentally inappropriate, may be harmful towards self or others, or be abusive towards another child, young person or adult (NSPCC, 2016). Victim – A young person ...
Trying to please our colleagues or our clients is a noble aim, but it’s important to know how much is too much, and where to set your boundaries. You build trust in a workplace by doing the stuff that matters. So doing things that look good but are outside your remit isn’t neces...
That is until somehow Steph managed to escape... This was like horror film stuff. We all ran upstairs, the three other girls made it to a bedroom, and I ran to the bathroom. I locked myself inside, and Steph started banging on the door. I don't know how long I was in there for...
“Paul, that’s great work you are doing. Keep it up! We need you!” If you work in suicide prevention, you hear it, too. I think we hear it because people don’t see a role for themselves in preventing the next suicide. They might want to help, but no one has asked them. ...
When I was in 5th grade I wrote some stuff in my diary about masturbating, and like a month late my mom went through all my stuff. She would randomly go in my room and tear it apart. I'd always get in trouble for something, and then I'd have to clean up the mes...
Put her and him in shape. Control puppets in variety of situations and help them achieve the desired state!
But most of us know that this behavior is totally inappropriate, so where does it come from? To gain more insight on this topic for a previous Bored Panda piece, we got in touch with Licensed Creative Arts Therapist and Board Certified Music Therapist Al Hoberman. Al was kind enough to ...
Frapping, which is no longer exclusive to Facebook, is the term used to describe the act of a person cyberbullying by taking over a victim’s social media profile, putting up offensive or dehumanizing stuff, and trying to post inappropriate content with the intention of making that individual...