spoke with four people who identify as genderqueer about identity, body dysphoria, and carving out the freedom to be yourself.
Whatever your point of entry, you have questions about transgender people. Chances are you don't have a lot of experience here. So let's walk through some of the questions you want to ask, but don't know who to ask.
both non-human3and human primates4. Mother-newborn interactions and romantic relationships, for example, clearly indicate that skin-to-skin contact promotes bonding between individuals. The bodily regions where one may touch other individuals within or outside one’s social network are relation-...
Therefore, a pragmatic decision was made to try to access participants via two community organisations, one in Bristol and the other in London — both of which were known to the principal researcher, with whom she had good relations. The manager of the Bristol organisation agreed to meet to ...
(like genitalia) by male and female avatars. All participants rated as most erogenous caresses on their embodied avatar taboo zones. Crucially, heterosexual men/women and gay men/lesbian women rated as most erogenous taboo touches delivered by their opposite and same gender avatar, respectively. ...
The truth is that sex isn’t the decisive factor in determining identity that Rowling thinks it is. What of people born with XXY chromosomes, androgen insensitivity syndrome, or ambiguous genitalia? But Rowling won’t let it go, and her obsession seems rooted in a misplaced fear — that tran...
“If you ask experts at medical centers how often a child is born so noticeably atypical in terms of genitalia that a specialist in sex differentiation is called in, the number comes out to about 1 in 1500 to 1 in 2000 births. But a lot more people than that are born with subtler fo...
And of course there’s really no way to tell what genitalia someone has without looking at them naked from the waist down — which really never comes up an interactions with someone who isn’t an in-person intimate partner, and sometimes not even then! Sorry my comment was so long; I ...
“All of them have sustained bullet wounds; of the ten currently being treated at the hospital two are in critical condition: one who is shot is his genitalia area and a second who was shot in his chest area,” Ibsa said by phone from Gara Muleta hospital. “The second who was hit ...
Woman D:“For me, in general, being intersex means being born with primary or secondary sex characteristics that do not fit neatly into society’s binary definitions of male or female. You’re born with traits and characteristics of both sexes. Somewhere in between. For me specifically, being...