Dorismar (born Dora Noemí Kerchen on March 14, 1975 in Buenos Aires, Argentina) is an Argentine model, actress, television hostess, and singer. Birthplace: Buenos Aires, Argentina Born: 03-14-1975 Rita Tushingham Age: 82 Unorthodox, waif-like lead of the 1960s who burst in...
Famous celebrities born on March 13th(Tomorrow) Astro-Databank of famous people birth charts Mircea Eliade(*Mar 13, 1907)writerRO Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II (*Mar 13, 1741)King of Germany, Holy Roman Emperor, Archduke of AustriaAT
King of Bhutan: Bhutan's king is called Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck (born 1980). The 'Dragon King' is the fifth king of Bhutan. He is married and has one son.Where is Bhutan? - Bhutan MapBhutan is located on the Asian continent and is a landlocked country in the Himalayan mountains...
Mariana Renata Dantec (born 31 December 1983, Paris), better known by Mariana Renata and Mariana Dantec, is a French-Indonesian model and actress. She is best known for her roles in the films Janji Joni (2005), The Matchmaker (2006), and Nic And Mar series (2015). ...
Born in Cuba, the brothers had been part of a massive resettlement of Cuban children to the United States between 1960 and 1962. Cuban parents were afraid their children would be recruited into Castro’s militias, or forced into government indoctrination camps. ...
the address at which an atoning Father Liam locates her in London.After Kitten and a pregnant Charlie are burned out of the refuge that they temporarily find with Father Liam, Kitten and Charlie return to London, where Charlie’s baby is born soon after into the trans-domesticity that opens...
6,1881Died:Mar.11,1955AlexanderFlemingwasaScottishbacteriologist(细菌学家)andNobelPrizewinner,bestknownforhisdiscoveryofpenicillin. Heisoneofthemostinfluentialpeopleofthe20thcentury.Born:Dec. 30,1930 TuYouyouisaChinesepharmaceuticalchemistand malariologist.Shediscoveredartemisinin(青蒿素)and dihydroartemisinin,us...
I was HONESTLY born and raised in Ketchikan Alaska. One afternoon I was in a local bar having a beverage with friends and this guy comes running into the bar, looks around and says ,"YOU!" He runs over and asks if my friend wanted to be on reality TV show. laughing, my friends and...
This year, in addition to our traditional Aides, we have selected David Walsh, born in Ballina, County Mayo, Ireland, and longtime White Plains resident as Special Aide to the Grand Marshal. In addition, Colleen Wall and Westchester County Police Officer Vincent Finnegan, Jr., have been select...
French-Algeria-born French Nobel Prize winning author, journalist, and philosopher. His views contributed to the rise of the philosophy known as absurdism. ALBERT EINSTEIN - (1879-1955). German-born theoretical physicist who developed the general theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of ...