Charles Paul Gruppe, 1860-1940; American artist, born in Canada Charles Paul Renouard, 1845-1924; French artist Charles Paul de Kock, 1793-1871; French writer of Dutch lineage Charles Samuel Keene, 1823-1891; English artist Charles Stanley Reinhart, 1844-1896; American artist Charles Théophile...
Annette was born in New York City and, like the brothers, is Italian. In "The Venice Menace", the Venice pizza man briefly mentions Annette Funicello, along with several other celebrities of Italian descent. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry[edit]...
BackinEngland,Montaguobservedtheincreasedseverityofsmallpoxinfections. Eventually,inApril1721,shedecidedtousetheTurkishpracticetohaveher daughterinoculated,becauseshebelievedthattherewardswouldoutweightherisks. Afterasafetimehadpassedfollowingtheinoculation,Montagualloweddoctorsto examineherdaughter. DoctorsinBritaingradual...
However, Mayer Amschel attained absolute influence over his successor, Elector Wilhelm I, who, like Mayer Amschel, had also been born in 1743. It was said that they were like two shoes, so well did they go together. It was a pleasant change from Mayer Amschel’s relationship with the f...
Duncan I. Steel FRAS (born 11 June 1955) is a British scientist born in Midsomer Norton, Somerset. Currently he lives in Wellington, New Zealand, but holds visiting positions as a Professor of astrobiology at the University of Buckingham in England; as a space scientist at NASA-Ames Research...
Peter the GreatPeter I (born June 9, 1672 - February 8, 1725), known as Peter the Great, was the Tsar of all Russia from 1682 and the first Emperor of all Russia from 1721 until his death in 1725. He reigned jointly with his half-brother Ivan V until 1696. From that year, Peter...
The aim of this study was to conduct a comprehensive, equity-focussed newborn care assessment and to explore options to improve newborn survival in Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR) and the Philippines. Methods We assessed newborn health policies, services and care in the three...
This city, originally founded in 1721, is the island's oldest Danish settlement and by far the largest community in Greenland. It holds about 14,000 of the nation's entire population of 59,000 people. The climate in Greenland is subarctic, with short, cool summers and bitterly cold ...
Andrew Carnegie was born in Dumferline, Scotland, in November of 1935. His parents were Will and Margaret Carnegie. He also had a brother, Tom. The main income for the geographic location where he grew up was weaving linen. The people who engaged in this type of employment considered this...
Hillary Clinton for president during the 2016 campaign season. Buffett was born in 1930 in Omaha, Nebraska, of distant French Huguenot descent. He was the second of three children and the only son of Leila and Congressman Howard Buffett, Buffett began his education at Rose Hill Elementary ...