In 1709, in Europe for the first time succeeded in the manufacture of porcelain, Meissen. Until then were imported from the Orient one porcelain, was a very valuable article can have only the royalty and titled nobility. Over nine years by order of Augustus, was elector of Saxony (now Germ...
Stephanie Hilborne (b. 1968), leader of Wildlife Trusts James Hill (1919-1994), filmmaker: director of Born Free Octavia Hill (1838-1912), social campaigner, co-founder of National Trust Stephen Hislop (1817-1863), missionary and geologist Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), political philosopher, auth...
Charles Paul Gruppe, 1860-1940; American artist, born in Canada Charles Paul Renouard, 1845-1924; French artist Charles Paul de Kock, 1793-1871; French writer of Dutch lineage Charles Samuel Keene, 1823-1891; English artist Charles Stanley Reinhart, 1844-1896; American artist Charles Théophile...
However, while some seem to be lost in the desire to succeed, others take an opposite attitude. In a culture which only values the winner and pays no attention to the ordinary player, they strongly blame competition. Among the most vocal are youngsters who have suffered under competitive press...
“The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.” Joseph Conrad, Under Western Eyes, 1911 English (Polish-born) novelist (1857 – 1924) read more Cynical, Funny, Truth Oscar Wilde on Truth “If you want to tell people the...
In 1709, the Faroe trade (chiefly in exported woolens and imported foodstuffs and timber) became a royal monopoly. The Faroes remained subject to the Danish Crown when Norway passed to Sweden in 1814. In 1816, they were made a Danish county ( amt ) and their ancient parliament, the ...
Over 200 fans have voted on the 80+ people on Who Is The Most Famous Al, Alexander, or Alex In The World?. Current Top 3: Alexander the Great, Alexander ...
sovereignty. When Tsar Peter threatened Ukrainian autonomy, Mazepa rose against him in alliance with Charles XII of Sweden. The allies were defeated in the Battle of Poltava in 1709. Fleeing from Peter's vengeance Mazepa and his followers became the first organized political immigration in Ukrainian...
in places. But a time came___Pompeii and Herculaneum were forgotten. Throughout the Middle Ages these two buried cities were not disturbed, and it was not until 1709___an Austrian prince sank a shaft at Herculaneum and then, by___of underground tunnels, robbed the city of its treasures....
Total babies born in 2017: 19,738 Peak year: 2003 Though the origin of the name Emma dates back earlier than the 18th century, the rise of its popularity may be connected to the 1709 Matthew Prior poem,“Henry and Emma." Of course, Jane Austen's “Emma," published in 1815, probably...