69.If a child is born with low intelligence,he is unlikely to___A.become a genius so long as he or she works hard enoughB.still become a genius if he should be given special educationC.go beyond his intelligence limits even in rich surroundingsD.never reaches his intelligence limits in...
The geocoded place names make it possible to estimate, for any given set of volunteers, what proportion of their grandparents was born in a rural or in an urban area. For this analysis, the extent of UK urban areas was derived from a map layer provided by ESRI (http://www.esri.com)...
Huntington’s disease (HD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease caused by a CAG trinucleotide expansion in the huntingtin gene. The length of th
Are there any improvements you'd like to see in the future? Next How would you rate the user interface in terms of user-friendliness? Excellent Good Could be better. Not good. Next Are there any aspects of the user experience that you find confusing or challenging? Next How does our...
Ibid. First generation refers to persons born outside of Canada. Second generation refers to persons born inside Canada with at least one parent born outside of Canada. Third generation refers to persons born inside Canada with both parents born inside Canada. ...
Objective To determine the current incidence of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in New York state. Design Population-based cohort study. Participants Newborn infants (15691) with initial hospital length of stay >28 days and date of disc... Michael,F.,Chiang,... - 《Ophthalmology》 被引量:...
RESULTS. The study included 715 423 individuals (including 1407 people with TB disease) in the British Columbia derivation cohort and 958 131 individuals (including 1361 people with TB disease) in the Ontario validation cohort. The 2- and 5-year concordance statistic in the validation cohort was...
Public Health, 129, 1361–1368. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.puhe.2014.11.013 Article Google Scholar Meng, F., Su, F., Yang, D., Tong, K., & Hao, Z. (2016). Impacts of recent climate change on the hydrology in the source region of the Yellow River basin. Journal of Hydrology...
Public Health Service (S-ROI-MH-1361l. 03) :1Il.1 lhe N.lion.1 Science Foundation (08·2603), and by the Milton Fund 01 Harvard Ulliversity, ' I nm also grnteful Cor /he conlribuUon of Marjorie Sho.ta1: KDDner 10 the eollcetlon nnd lalerprellllion of the data, and in ...
More than half of the subjects were married (56.5%), had a secondary education (58.5%), were born in Hong Kong (66.9%), and were employed (54.9%). The average monthly household income distribution was more skewed towards the lower end. Slightly more than half of the subjects had no ...