Wordcount: 1356 Pages: 5 Bibliography Happiness Happiness is a must in life. But what on earth is happiness? Some people are happy when they've made money, while others are happy when they've found their true love, As for me; I find bliss when I am reading an interesting book in a ...
During the day, there is enough light.Here, under the sea, everything is blue and green.When fishes swim nearby, you can catch them with your hands.When you have bottles of air on your back, you can stay in deep water for a long time.However, you can' t dive too deep.And you ...
Are there any improvements you'd like to see in the future? Next How would you rate the user interface in terms of user-friendliness? Excellent Good Could be better. Not good. Next Are there any aspects of the user experience that you find confusing or challenging? Next How does our...
In both of the surveys, only every fourth respondent was born in this region, the largest proportion of long-established settlers being found in Horska Kvilda, where approximately every third interviewee had some ancestors in this region: parents, grandparents or others. In the first survey, the...
IN THE ALPS great peaks high clouds deep views almost no one high peaks great clouds cool plants cold wind no one shelter basic bring cash sleeping bag night rain peak goats in fog lizards all black salamander and snakes cow herds no one ...