Understand your users with live “People Also Asked” data and intent clustering by Google. Supports any region and any language. Annual or Monthly subscription you can cancel at anytime. Why use AlsoAsked? Rank higher in Google People Also Ask data is providing you with data directly from Go...
The Bottom Line People Also Ask boxes are more than just a neat SERP feature. They’re a powerful tool for both users and content creators. By understanding how PAA works and optimizing your content accordingly, you can boost your visibility in search results and provide more value to your ...
People Also Ask(PAA)是搜索结果的一种展示样式,一般会包含3-4组问答结果,且通常是跟用户初始搜索关键词相关的,每组问答结果也同时包含对应的可点击网页链接。示例可见如下图: 关于PAA的一些冷知识 1. PAA 最早于2015年4月出现在搜索结果中; 2. Google和Bing都有PAA搜索结果样式,如下图所示: 3. PAA在桌面端...
Are you looking for a ready-to-use tool? Check myNeuralText People Also Ask free tool ⚠ Disclaimer This software is not authorized by Google and doesn't follow Google's robots.txt. Scraping without Google explicit written permission is a violation of thei terms and conditions on scraping ...
"People also ask"(PAA)是谷歌搜索结果页面上的一个交互式功能,显示与用户初始查询相关的常见问题及简短答案,通过动态生成和不断扩展的问题链,帮助用户快速获取更广泛的信息,同时为内容创作者提供提升网页曝光率和流量的机会。 图片来源:图虫创意 优化内容以回答常见问题 ...
People Also Ask (PAA) 是 Google 搜索的一项功能,可显示与用户初始搜索查询相关的问题。并且经常出现在搜索引擎结果页面 (SERP) 的顶部附近。此功能可帮助用户找到有关其主题的更多信息,而无需执行额外的搜索。单击 PAA 问题会打开它以显示简短答案。
Multi-lingual question generation (QG) is the task of generating natural language questions for single answer passage in any given language. In this paper, we design a system for supporting multi-lingual QG in the “People Also Ask” (PAA) module for Bing. For...
一、了解People Also Ask是什么 Google People Also Ask是一项新开发出来的功能,其目的是为了帮助用户...
Clicking a PAA question opens it to show a short answer. And for each answer in People Also Ask, Google has sourced the information from a specific webpage you can visit for more information. Sometimes, you might see a simple paragraph. But the answer could also include a bulleted list, ...
Google PAA(People Also Ask)是一种搜索结果中的功能,它显示了与用户搜索词相关的问题,并提供了相关的答案。这个功能在搜索结果中通常出现在页面顶部,可以帮助用户更快地找到他们需要的信息。 除了提供信息,Google PAA还可以为网站拥有者提供机会。通过了解PAA中显示的问题,网站拥有者可以创建相关的内容,并利用这些内容...