These spies, intelligence agents, and special-ops soldiers were abandoned on foreign soil and have been kept alive these long years as irradiated Ghouls. There numbers are extremely few, and you are unlikely to encounter them in any numbers unless you should stumble across their cover operation ...
"are your people still alive?" Verb 1. fill with people or supply with inhabitants; "people a room" "The government wanted to populate the remote area of the country" 2. make one's home or live in; "She resides officially in Iceland" "I live in a 200-year old house" "These peopl...
I just hadn't noticed her due to the waves and my panic. I grabbed her collar and she towed me back to shore. I promptly collapsed, crying and exhausted in my mother's arms, but alive thanks to my dog. 25 years later and I've had several dogs since that old girl, but no other...
Though the agency’s paramilitary resources have been otherwise stretched thin in Afghanistan and on other counterterrorism missions, the U.S.-based training program has been a “high priority” for the CIA since its Obama-era inception, said the former senior intelligence official….The Biden adm...
Based on our own independent sources, since this undeclared war started in Oromia, thousands of Oromos have been killed, hundreds of Qemants and Agaws have been killed or burned alive in their own houses in the Amhara region, hundreds of Sidama activists have been jailed, and hundreds of p...
on an average day. 48 of whom will be women and 117 of whom will be children. We’re prepared to throw it all out. That’s the point of crisis that our politics are at now. And it is up to all of us who recognize that to actually create a counter narrative to nonsense that is...
I then entered into the kitchen and although the dishes were clean, they all were still on the counter chanting “……” And not half an hour into the routine of the day, I already had changed my toddler’s clothing, repeated myself three times to a misbehaving...
Simply put, there may not be another personal alive who has done more to advance freedom and conservative values. He was among the first vocal and enthusiastic supporters of the TEA party appearing with Sean Hannity at the FIRST Tea Party event on 4/15/2009. He vigorously defended Sarah Pali...
Some people needed the job to stay alive and fed. I guess I had the means and could afford to hate it and give it up. 1. What can be the BEST title for this text? A. How Hard Life Is for Box Boys B. Getting along with Customers C. Why I Gave up My Job D. The...
So far, I’m leaning towardsOscaR, because it seems fairly complete and it’s in Scala which is the Official General-Purpose Language of Thinkinator. I’ve looked at a variety of CP tools like Zinc (seems dead) and MiniZinc (seems barely alive), Geocode (C++), JaCoP (java-based), Ch...