[27]. The completion of the 48-item scale required physical and cognitive endurance from participants. The inclusion of complex linguistic constructions, for example, double negatives (“I do not get angry when I cannot make myself understood”) and items which were presented in positively- and...
Park. Relat. Disord. 2015, 21, 615–621. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] Yang, Y.-R.; Cheng, S.-J.; Lee, Y.-J.; Liu, Y.-C.; Wang, R.-Y. Cognitive and motor dual task gait training exerted specific training effects on dual task gait performance in individuals with ...
Episodic memory tasks, such as RAVLT and Rey–Osterrieth complex figure test (ROCFT), can predict the progression from aMCI to dementia with high levels of sensitivity [19]. The accuracy of these findings are confirmed with single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) data showing ...
Parkinson’s disease delays predictable visual cue processing without affecting complex and unpredictable visual cue processing in postural control. Brain Res. 2021, 1751, 147209. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Disclaimer/Publisher’s Note: The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications ...
The assault in the quiet park marred its reputation as a safe place; 安静公园的袭击破坏了它作为安全场所的名声. The bedbug bites caused discomfort and sleepless nights for the hotel guests; 酒店客人因床虱咬伤而感到不适和失眠. The stink of the dead wasp was a repulsive discovery in the attic...
This points to the limitations of clear-cut hierarchical order approaches in a complex developing system as dynamic as the co-evolving nature–society system, and its contributions to people. The challenge is not specific to NCPs; in general, adding up factors in multidimensional systems leads to...
The more complex and visually similar emotions are, the more difficult they become to distinguish. Making visual modifications to the faces of people in photos in a way that changes the perceived emotion while preserving the characteristic features of the original face is one of the areas of ...
Huntington’s disease (HD) is a rare and complex condition where affected individuals, family members, caregivers, and clinicians face a number of both long-term and fluctuating challenges. The predominant biomedical framework adopted in HD to date has traditionally viewed it as a brain disorder fi...
(with mean valueλ, which we interpret to be the result of a complex process related to both abundance and use of space [28]), and of the probability of the camera trap detecting that individual or group (r, which we interpret as a function of both the camera’s ability to detect ...
Golbabaei, F.; Yigitcanlar, T.; Paz, A.; Bunker, J. Individual Predictors of Autonomous Vehicle Public Acceptance and Intention to Use: A Systematic Review of the Literature.J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex.2020,6, 106. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] ...