Park et al. [24] argue that the environmental moral obligations of volunteer tourists affect their intention to support sustainable tourism development. However, the fact that the studies conducted in this field are generally on tourists and hotel businesses has shown that previous research has not ...
Nevertheless, the main tourist attractions in Africa are national parks that tourists like to visit, and most local people depend on the park’s resources for their livelihood and survival [40]. African governments place enormous importance on the tourism sector as a tool to tackle poverty and ...
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Going to that park. Fresh air. I think that was the best part.” P17, female, 17 years Hope Amongst the challenges, hope also came across thematically in the artworks. In interviews, hope was often mentioned as a motivator to keep going, although hopelessness also came up frequently. ...
The assault in the quiet park marred its reputation as a safe place; 安静公园的袭击破坏了它作为安全场所的名声. The bedbug bites caused discomfort and sleepless nights for the hotel guests; 酒店客人因床虱咬伤而感到不适和失眠. The stink of the dead wasp was a repulsive discovery in the attic...
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